Tag: nonprofit


How to Avoid False and Incorrect Information

In a previous post, we discussed the challenges faced by online researchers. Whether they are journalists, company employees, or simply curious people, it is easy for researchers to be misled by false information or simply inaccurate data presented by seemingly reputable and reliable sources.


4 Ways to Drive Efficiency in Your Nonprofit

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have a lot on their plates. Aside from operating with limited funds, maintaining public confidence, and striving to further a cause, they’re now expected to operate with the same finesse as a multimillion-dollar enterprise. But old habits die hard, and despite the growing need for change, NPOs are historically reluctant to adopt […]

Get Moving on Your Employee Volunteer Program

Yesterday we discussed the benefits of a robust employee volunteer program. As stated, companies should think beyond annual holiday drives and develop programs that encourage staff to get into the community on a regular basis during work hours. Benefits are plentiful—to the company, to the employees themselves, and to those these efforts serve.

Is Happiness the Key to Success at Work?

The other day, a colleague shared a video from TEDx. If you’re not familiar with TEDx, it’s a video site developed by TED, a nonprofit devoted to what it calls “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Anyway, I found the video — which had been forwarded from another person inside our company — quite intriguing. The video is […]

DOL Offers Disabled Job Candidate Database

The Department of Labor (DOL) has made available to employers a free database of nearly 2,000 job candidates with disabilities seeking employment in a wide variety of fields. The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities compiled the database by sending recruiters to college campuses across the country to interview eligible undergraduate and postgraduate […]