Tag: Olympics

EntertainHR: Employer’s Guide to Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace

In just a few short weeks, the world will tune in to watch the most talented athletes in the planet beat world records and achieve what no one has done before. After years of training, it will all come down to that one race, that one floor exercise. With cameras in their face and millions […]

Best of EntertainHR 2023

Pop culture—the modern “popular culture” transmitted via the mass media and aimed particularly at younger people—shapes and is shaped by the world around us. And, with nearly 5.5 billion TV viewers worldwide, it’s no surprise that news in sports, music, and entertainment is at the forefront of many people’s media consumption. That said, HR leaders […]

Sha’Carri Richardson and Workplace Drug Testing

As previous pieces I have written for this blog demonstrate, I am a huge track and field fan, so much so that I listen to multiple track-related podcasts, watch meets on television whenever I can, and once got embarrassingly excited when I came across sprinter Mike Rodgers DJing in an Austin bar during the weekend […]

When you believe, anything is possible

by Dan Oswald If you’ve been around a while like I have, you might remember the 1980 Olympic “Miracle on Ice,” where the upstart American men’s ice hockey team defeated the heavily favored Soviet Union team. As the clock wound down to the final seconds of the game and it became apparent that the U.S. […]

Mind over matter: lessons on mental toughness from the Olympics

by Dan Oswald When I flipped on the television yesterday to check out the Olympics, I found myself watching the men’s Super-G Alpine skiing. By the time I had tuned in, the celebrated American skier Bode Miller was safely at the bottom of the slope and sitting in first place. This is believed to be […]

Recognizing the Olympians in your workplace

by Dan Oswald While watching the opening ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics, I was struck by the many similarities between a country’s Olympic team and a company’s employees. It might seem odd to draw that particular comparison, but let me explain and see if you also notice the correlation between the two. At the […]