Indoor Air Quality and Worker Health

Many organizations have wellness programs aimed at getting their employees healthy. But what about the air at work? Today we are going to take a detailed look at how indoor air quality is regulated.

What’s New in Health and Safety Training 2018?

According to The National Safety Council, work-related injuries and deaths cost society about $142.5 million every year. And while the total number of reported workplace injuries and deaths may be down in recent years, there are still many important things to take note of in the realm of workplace health and safety in 2018.

The Modern Workplace Is Killing Us—Here’s What You Need to Know (Part 1)

A just-released book called Dying for a Paycheck is getting a lot of attention in the business realm. In the book, Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business, unpacks how the modern workplace is causing leading chronic illnesses and stress and how it’s bad for economies and societies and the […]


Workplace Safety—Important Differentiator for Small Employers

Small businesses often compete with larger employers for top talent and are understandably interested in identifying key differentiators that can help them attract a steady stream of job candidates. A recent survey by EMPLOYERS, a small business insurance specialist, identified an underutilized factor in attracting employees—a safe work environment.

Identifying Sources of Free Training

Many companies refer to their employees as their greatest asset. The skills, experience, education, and training of their workforce are what gives them their competitive advantage. But, when it comes to training, cost is often a major factor in how frequently, and how well, organizations ensure employees have the right information and resources to do their […]

OSHA: Use Four Basic Steps for Safety Training

Employee training is a key process for new hires in any industry and for any employee. Regardless of a new hire’s experience and education, there are always nuances of a particular job that must be explained to new employees, company policies to be learned, and company culture to ingrain.