Tag: overtime

Performance Management: Do’s and Don’ts in the Real World

Makris, senior counsel at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, and Rhoma Young, of the HR consulting firm Rhoma Young & Associates, offered tips for ensuring that performance appraisals are used legally and effectively. Their suggestions came in a recent BLR®/HR Hero® audio conference. From a legal perspective, performance appraisals are important because they can help defend […]

9 Things You MUST NOT Include in Your Documentation

Do not include the following in your documentation, says Wobst: Personal opinions. Rumors or speculation about the employee’s personal life. Theories about why the employee behaves a certain way. (Don’t practice psychiatry without a license.) For example, don’t call an employee “crazy.” Instead, document behaviors. Legal conclusions. (Don’t practice law without a license.) For example, […]

Great Incentive Plan + Poor Communication = Poor Incentive Plan

Communicating the Sales Incentive Plan Sometimes Pasteris sees the situation in which there was a great sales plan design but it failed because it was not well understood and appreciated by the salespeople. To avoid that situation, make sure that you: Send an announcement letter, particularly with the new plan that spells out its features. […]

Incentives to Keep Sales Pros Focused Where You Want Them Focused

Sales Organization Sales compensation plans often fail because they are not rooted in careful analysis beforehand. Your plan has to be defined by the market you are in and who your customers and competitors are. For example, if your customers are all young, you may do your sales work over the Internet; if you sell […]

HRIS Records Checklist: How Do You Stand?

HRIS Personnel Records Checklist The more questions to which you answer “yes,” the better your computer system is able to handle personnel records. Records maintained Do you have a computer system for the following personnel records:   Yes No Beneficiaries of benefits plan? ❒ ❒ Cost of benefits plan? ❒ ❒ Date employees admitted into […]

HRISs Have Definite Advantages … and Disadvantages

What Are the Advantages of HRISs? One-stop shopping. One of the most frequently mentioned advantages of the HRIS is that you enter information only once for many HR-related employee tasks. And, similarly, you need to update only one place when employee information changes. Integration of data. Furthermore, different parts of the system can “talk to […]

Your Rep’s ‘Perceived Symbols of Wealth’ Derail Mediations

Marcus offered her tips on succeeding with mediation at a recent meeting of the Employers’ Counsel Network (ECN) in Springfield, Massachusetts. The Employers’ Counsel Network includes the attorneys from each state who write BLR’s state employment law newsletters. Marcus is one of the EEOC mediators based in the Boston office of the EEOC. Sometimes it’s […]

The Eight Myths of Mediation

The Employers’ Counsel Network includes the attorneys from each state who write BLR’s state employment law newsletters. Marcus is one of the EEOC mediators based in the Boston office of the EEOC. Mediation vs. Enforcement Marcus explains the essential differences between the mediation and enforcement roles of her agency: Enforcement Find out what happened. Determine […]

Supervisory Sin 7: Making Wage/Hour Blunders

[Go here for sins 1 through 6.] Sin #7. Making wagehour blunders We’re out of overtime. Can you clock out and then set up for tomorrow? You’ll be working alongside our regular employees, but you new recruits are all independent contractors. Tracy, make sure you stay close to the phone during lunch. Sandy, keep your […]

VBBD—Case Study Shows Real Savings

McCormick, a consultant with Fallon Benefits Group in Atlanta, made her remarks at BLR’s Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held recently in Las Vegas. Case Study in VBBD Some facts about the client: Global presence with more than 7,000 covered lives Employee population includes office staff, manufacturing, and drivers Average employee age: 45 years Very low […]