Tag: Performance Management

Why Organizational Structure Matters

In recent years, there has been a movement toward flatter organizations. The shift, aimed at greater equality, is based on the idea that each person understands his or her responsibilities and will act accordingly.

New methods + new thinking = new day for performance management

Nearly everyone has opinions—and complaints—about performance management. The annual performance review in which employee and supervisor fill out a form and sit down for a talk is rapidly going out of style. Although that system addresses an employee’s strengths and weaknesses and may even include a discussion of goals for the future, it’s increasingly seen […]


Performance Management and the Employee Review Process

When performance management is mentioned, people often think of the employee performance appraisal or review, however, performance management involves so much more. Properly constructed appraisals should represent a summary of an ongoing, year-round dialogue. Focusing only on an annual appraisal form leads to misunderstanding and a lack of appreciation for the benefits of performance management.

4 More Flaws of Performance Management

Yesterday’s Advisor reviewed 6 of 10 flaws that can afflict typical performance management systems; today, we present the final four pitfalls to avoid while you’re assessing employees during appraisals.

The Risks of Contingent Workers

In yesterday’s Advisor, business consultant Bridget Miller presented some of the benefits of recruiting contingent workers for your organization. Today, Miller highlights the risks involved. What Are the Risks? There can be downsides to having contingent workers. Here are some of the concerns: Employee morale may be affected. Depending on the implementation of a contingent […]