Tag: reskilling

How to Shift from a Reactive to a Transformational Workforce Approach

Organizations today face tremendous pressure to adapt and innovate to survive—let alone thrive—amidst global instability and rapid technological change. Companies must take a strategic, forward-looking approach to workforce planning to meet these challenges rather than simply reacting to external forces. Organizations that mature from a reactive approach to a proactive one — and who do […]

5 Workforce and Career Trends for 2024

As technology, demographics and cultural movements evolve, so do careers and workplaces. Today, the United States is undergoing a significant transformation in both the nature of work and how people engage in it, largely propelled by remote work and the rapid advancements in AI and digitalization following the pandemic. While the full extent of these […]

The Importance of Reskilling and Upskilling in an AI-Driven Work Environment

Upskilling enhances and broadens an individual’s skills while reskilling involves acquiring new skills for a different job or career. In this era of automation, both upskilling and reskilling have become crucial since they allow workers to adjust to evolving technologies and job demands. People often use the term “future of work,” I believe a significant […]

5 Ways Employers Can Engage and Energize the Gen Z Workforce

A person’s “vitality” is measured by their ability to live life with health, strength, and energy – and in the world of work, it equates to high-performing, motivated, engaged, and healthy employees. That’s a key finding from the 2023 Vitality in America Report, which is based on a survey of 10,000 adults conducted by Morning […]

The Biggest Changes in Collaboration Over the Last Decade and What to Expect in the Decade Ahead

There’s no denying the workspaces we once knew have undergone profound transformations over the last several years. From physical space revolutions to digital solutions and remote working frontiers and beyond, each dramatic advance has one cornerstone in common: collaboration.  Cutting-edge technology enabled individuals and teams to work from nearly anywhere using an endless array of […]

Empowering the Modern Workforce: How Technology Is Redefining Training

Training in today’s dynamic corporate landscape has evolved from a mere checkbox activity to a strategic imperative. As organizations invest heavily in upskilling their workforce, the pressing question remains: Is our training truly making a difference? With rapid advancements in technology, companies now have tools at their disposal to not only deliver training but also […]

The Benefits of Reskilling

Reskilling and upskilling are terms that refer to workforce development and employee training efforts designed to ensure employees are capable and competent to achieve job objectives. While similar, the two terms are different. Difference Between Reskilling and Upskilling Reskilling is the process of training employees in new skills that are entirely different from the skills […]

A Look at Some Hard-Hit Job Functions

Amid all the talk about the Great Resignation and general labor market turmoil, it’s easy to forget that high labor demand is no longer applicable across all job functions and industry segments. Recruiters facing labor shortages in certain industries might want to consider expanding their search to include candidates from nontraditional backgrounds. Job Shortages May […]

Upskilling and Reskilling: The Secret to Retaining Talent and Doing More with Less

Over 93,000 employees of U.S.-based tech companies were laid off in the first 2 months of 2023. As we head further into economic uncertainty, every company is faced with the challenge of doing more with less—less talent, less budget, less time, and fewer resources. One way companies can maximize what they already have is by […]

The Great Reskilling: 5 Ways to Put L&D Opportunities at Eye Level for Your Employees

Picture this: You’re the CEO of a large manufacturing company. During your weekly executive team meeting, your VP of supply chain announces that a third of your overseas suppliers are going offline next quarter. Once you pick your jaw up off the floor, you correctly view this development as an existential threat to your business. […]