Tag: retention


Women Supporting Women around Recruitment and Retention

Try and discover reasons women are not applying for jobs at your company. You can start by looking at your job announcements and recruitment. Examine the way your jobs are advertised, the networks they’re being sent to, or whether recruiting is being done with a recruiting company that isn’t focusing on women applicants.


Overselling with Job Descriptions Leads to Disappointment, Turnover

You think you hired the best candidate for the job. The new hire comes to work with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for a new career. But after 6 months, that candidate is walking out the door, seeking other opportunities. Where did it all go wrong?

How to Use Technology to Manage and Retain Employees

Engagement plays a key role in managing and retaining employees of all ages. As our new research indicates, real-time feedback, socially engaging experiences, and mobile access play a key role in influencing engagement with Millennial, Gen Z, and Baby Boomer members of the workforce. And all of this can be managed more effectively with the […]

Laid Off Workers: How to Recruit This Overlooked Talent Pool

The Great Recession of 2008 may be a thing of the past, but it still has lasting repercussions to this day. While the unemployment rate continues to hover below 4%, some workers across the nation are still in fear that another recession is on the horizon. For recruiters and hiring managers, this fear can work […]

How to Trim Onboarding Costs Without Impacting Quality

Onboarding is a make-or-break point in the employee life cycle. With the right approach, a fresh hire can establish meaningful work relationships, gain the right knowledge, and clarify expectations about job performance, reaching his or her full potential as quickly as possible. A poor onboarding experience, on the other hand, will only hamper job satisfaction […]

7 Ways to Improve Workplace 'Experience'

As we know, a good candidate experience is great for business, however, your “experience” efforts shouldn’t stop with the jobseeker. In order to retain top talent, you should also be focusing on improving the employee experience as well.

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, but Maybe Volunteering Does

According to a recent study, 27% of U.S. travelers are planning to volunteer on a trip this year. Volunteerism, thankfully, is becoming a stronger trend, and in the case of potential employees in the Millennial generation, who, as a group, highly value volunteerism, it’s important to recognize this need in a benefits program. In fact, companies […]