Tag: Succession Planning

A Succession Planning Offering You Can’t Refuse: Surprising HR Lessons from The Godfather

While not a conventional source of inspiration for human resources (HR) professionals, the Godfather movie series can provide a rich narrative that is applicable to organizational behavior. For example, succession planning plays a pivotal role in the series, shaping the narrative and demonstrating the complexities and importance of ensuring leadership continuity in any organization or […]

How HR Can Help You Prepare for Leadership Transitions

It’s hard to think of a more important contributor to an organization’s long-term success than the cultivation of new leaders. Developing internal talent is almost always the most effective HR strategy—you can’t necessarily rely on outside hires to fit your company’s culture, mindset, and staffing needs. Succession planning is a business strategy companies use to […]

CEO Succession Planning

Succession planning is an essential part of any corporation’s operations, and the role of CEO is integral to succession planning success. However, as Elena Lytkina Botelho, Shoma Chatterjee Hayden, and BJ Wright point out in an article for Harvard Business Review, many companies fail to properly plan for their CEOs’ succession. This can have serious […]

The Key to Successful Succession Planning: What Would Yoda Do?

Effective leaders plan for the future, including for a time when others will step into their roles. Leaders can learn a lot about succession planning from Yoda, the fictional but wise Grand Master of the Jedi Order in Star Wars.

The Key to Successful Succession Planning: What Would Yoda Do?

Effective leaders plan for the future, including for a time when others will step into their roles. Leaders can learn a lot about succession planning from Yoda, the fictional but wise Grand Master of the Jedi Order in Star Wars.

One Position You Won’t Have to Recruit for in 2019: CFO

While employers across the country are gearing up to attract talent in the coming year, one position that won’t require any recruiting is that of Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A new survey, released by Robert Half Management Resources, finds that almost half of all respondents say their company doesn’t have a succession plan in place […]

Beware of Chiseling Succession Plans into Stone

Succession plans are a great way of filling executive seats during these difficult hiring times. However, there are some rules and best practices you need to consider before carving your succession plan into stone.


Executing a Succession Plan

Turnover in the United States is higher than many people think. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the turnover rate across a wide range of industries in the private sector was over 47.4% annually in 2017, and that number has increased steadily from 42.3% in 2013. So, businesses need to be prepared to lose employees […]


Why You Need to Plan for the Succession of All Your Employees

Managers can be so busy at work sometimes that it’s almost inconceivable for them to think about anything beyond the present day or even hour. And, while many business leaders wisely set aside time to think about 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year plans, far too few spend time thinking about where their current workforces will be […]

Pay, Perks, and Job Satisfaction: 5 Tips for Attracting and Retaining Workers

Unemployment is at record lows, and Baby Boomers are leaving the workforce at increasing rates. For companies that are struggling to fill roles, they should look to current employees to make lateral moves to help fill the void. However, companies need to know how to retain workers in order to keep them around.