Tag: Succession Planning

ABC, Kelly Ripa, Michael Strahan, and lessons on parting ways with key employees

What Kelly Ripa lacks in size, she makes up for in attitude. At just 5’3″, the petit daytime talk show star measures but a fraction of the size of her former co-host, Michael Strahan, himself a former New York Giants defensive end and Super Bowl champion. But Ripa’s actions since news broke of Strahan’s planned departure from Live! for a […]

The Results of our 2015 HiPo Survey Are In!

Yesterday’s Advisor began to take a look at the results of BLR’s 2015 High Potential Employee (HiPo) survey. Today we’ll examine the rest of those results. Talent Management 55.3% of respondents make use of succession planning, and 51.1% use talent pipelines as talent management strategies. 39% of survey takers said that they make use of […]

How Do You Compare to our 2015 HiPo Survey?

Take a look at the results for BLR’s 2015 High Potential Employee (HiPo) survey. Check out how you compare against your competitors! Highlights of the HiPos and Succession Planning Survey: While 92.3% feel that identifying HiPos is important, only 44% of respondents say their company actively attempts to identify HiPos. More than half of respondents […]

HiPos Survey Results: How Do You Compare?

The results of the 2015 High Potential Employee (HiPo) survey are in. Take a look at the results, and see how your company compares to those of your competitors. Highlights of the HiPos and Succession Planning Survey: While 92.3% feel that identifying HiPos is important, only 44% of respondents say their company actively attempts to […]

It’s Always a Good Idea to Plan Ahead

In yesterday’s Advisor we looked at reasons 1 through 8 for having a succession plan at your organization. Today we’ll look at the rest of them! Planning ahead can be a hassle, but it behooves a company to spend some time looking at their internal talent and thinking about who could replace who in a pinch. […]