Tag: Technology

The Surprising Impact of Tech Layoffs on Software Development Careers

In the wake of economic shifts and technological advancements, the tech employment landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, highlighting an interesting trend: a substantial portion of displaced workers are shifting towards software development roles. What drives this trend, and what does it mean for the tech industry? Major layoffs at leading tech companies have challenged […]

2024 AI Hiring Trends

The world isn’t slowing down, so businesses must design hiring strategies to withstand seismic shifts. In the first quarter alone, there was no shortage of significant world news impacting hiring: So, what should companies do to navigate this in a consolidating market with high demand for skilled workers? Here’s what you need to know. Artificial […]

EU Passes Artificial Intelligence Act

Congress and the Biden administration continue to focus on regulating artificial intelligence (AI). Despite that attention, however, no comprehensive legislation or regulations applying to AI have been implemented at the federal level. In contrast, the European Parliament passed the Artificial Intelligence Act on March 13. The legislation was three years in the making and will […]

Cyber Hygiene: The Key To Closing Digital Skills Gaps

HR leaders and decision-makers of today have to remain abreast of skills gaps within their organizations. With emerging and evolving technologies like artificial intelligence growing increasingly commonplace, adapting to new demands is key, but HR leaders must ensure that worker skills do not become obsolete as their employment skill set demands change. One of the […]

With Hybrid Work ‘Here to Stay,’ Can New Tech Boost Occupancy Planning?

Four years following the pandemic, a new survey from JLL finds that hybrid working is now the most common workstyle globally, with 87% of organizations operating with a hybrid program today. Hybrid work has proven to have a lasting impact and is “here to stay,” according to JLL’s new 2024 Global Occupancy Planning Benchmarking Report. The […]

What You Need to Know About Modern Direct Sourcing

Talent has long been an organization’s greatest asset; however, many businesses have only recently come to appreciate the real value of their workers. In light of ongoing talent shortages, more than a few companies have found themselves with bad hires and the consequences that come with them. Loss of productivity is just the first. Loss […]

Tech Is a Worthy Investment for CEOs, Even if ROI Is Not There Yet

For healthcare leaders, investment in technology right now requires more than just resources—it also demands patience and willingness to trust the process. As technology continues to evolve, so will organizations’ understanding of how it impacts the bottom line. For that reason, hospital CEOs must remain committed to investing in new technology for the long haul […]

3 Hacks for Virtual Team Collaboration

Virtual teams have always been a reality in the business world, but the COVID-19 pandemic kicked them into high gear. More and more employees became permanently remote, which meant fewer watercooler conversations or opportunities for coworkers to bond. To be fair, it also meant a workforce that had more freedom over their lives with flexible […]

Leadership In the AI Age: How to Manage When Your Organization Has More Machines Than People

It’s here. The once science fiction scenario where the world is filled with more machines than people is now a pressing reality. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the workplace–and on a global scale. It’s a pivotal moment for business leaders, and with huge implications. And while this reality may seem daunting […]

AI’s Impact on Hiring: Keep the Human in Your Talent Acquisition Practices  

AI is a tool like anything else. So, when I hear about AI in hiring, I think less about the AI itself and what it is capable of and more about how companies, teams and individuals may use it. Talent Acquisition (TA) and retention is a people-centered process: It wouldn’t be wise to overuse AI […]