Tag: Time

5 Things You Should Know About Employee Recognition in 2017

Complimentary Webinar: 5 Things You Should Know About Employee Recognition in 2017 Date: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Sponsored by Is your organization’s employee recognition program ready for 2017?  Find out what you need to know about employee recognition for the year ahead. In this webinar you will learn… 1. How […]

Hiring Managers: It’s Tough to Predict Long-Term Success of New Hires

A new study from Visier, a provider of Workforce Intelligence, has found that although organizations today are spending more money than ever on recruiting, 52% of hiring managers are unable to predict the long-term success of their new hires. Furthermore, the study found that 71% of hiring managers said that to increase the quality of […]


It’s Time to Cozy Up to the New I-9

It’s time for employers to get acquainted with the new Form I-9. The form is easier to use than the old version, but with just a few weeks left before employers have to make the switch, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the form now, says Jacob Monty, managing partner at Monty & […]


Planning a Conference? Build a Better Break-Out Group

Ever get to a meeting and shudder when you see break-out groups on the agenda? Sure, there are speakers, but then there are huge blocks of time devoted to break-outs.  It’s natural to wonder whether or not these small groups will be of any value.

Employee Goal-Setting Tips

Setting appropriate employee goals is an important component of keeping the workforce productive and motivated. It can also affect retention since clear expectations are a critical component of employee satisfaction levels. And organizations that opt to implement pay-for-performance programs have an added layer of accountability by putting a piece of the employee’s compensation on the […]


Workplace Wellness: Best Strategies for Using Wearables at Work

By Danna Korn, Sonic Boom Wellness Activity-tracking devices are one of the most effective tools for getting employees to participate in worksite wellness programs. Getting them to continue participating, however, is an entirely different ballgame. Follow these tips to get (and keep!) employees more deeply engaged in wellbeing initiatives.

Workplace Wellness: Best Strategies for Using Wearables at Work

By Danna Korn, Sonic Boom Wellness Activity-tracking devices are one of the most effective tools for getting employees to participate in worksite wellness programs. Getting them to continue participating, however, is an entirely different ballgame. Follow these tips to get (and keep!) employees more deeply engaged in wellbeing initiatives.