Competing with Google and Amazon to Retain Talent

Amazon recently announced that it would be building a new headquarters in New York City and Virginia, causing widespread panic among employers in those regions. Now another big name is slated to move into New York City, as well: Google. With these two corporate giants headed to the East Coast, what does this mean for […]

The Perfect Candidate Has a Résumé Gap, Now What?

One of the most difficult tasks for a job applicant coming off a period of unemployment is to explain that gap in dates on their résumé. This was a common challenge for many jobseekers following the Great Recession.

Employee Satisfaction Has Concrete Results for Business Performance

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of employee satisfaction in recruitment and retention efforts. Turnover and hiring are expensive, and companies can’t afford to keep losing their staff over low levels of satisfaction. However, there is a strong argument in favor of promoting employee satisfaction on the flip side as well.

Travel and Relocation Preferences Are Shaping Candidate Decisions

When it comes to finding employees, location often crops up as a challenge for recruiters, talent executives, and hiring managers. Specifically, when it comes to sourcing top talent who may happen to live on the opposite side of the city, or in another state altogether. How big of an obstacle is it? And what effect […]

Accommodating Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Workforce

In part one of this article, we discussed how the fight for top talent is requiring employers to invest in keeping their current staff healthy and productive. Comprehensive disability management programs can be a key part of this approach—helping assess employees’ needs, connecting them with workplace resources, and providing accommodation recommendations to help them stay at […]

What Are Posthire Background Checks?

Most employers perform some form of background screening on prospective employees. Often, this is conducted as a condition of the job offer. The candidate proceeds through the hiring process and is made a conditional offer, and the offer proceeds if nothing negative is discovered through the screening process.

5 Ways to Speed Up the Recruiting Process

Technology can be a blessing and a curse. No matter how you view technology, one thing remains clear: it’s taking over, and the workplace is no exception!

Save Time and Money: Avoid Bad Hires

In part one of this article, we noted that bad hires are costly—not only in monetary terms but also in employee morale and possibly productivity. Today, let’s take a look at some ways to avoid bad hires.