Tag: Training Requirements


3 Things to Remember When Training Your Employees for the IoT Age

According to research highlighted in The Atlantic, the HR software market is now worth an estimated $15 billion (with learning management systems making up about $2.5 billion of that). But, up to 30% of the corporate training material that companies have developed with them is wasted. And these numbers might start to increase even more […]

Top 5 Hard Skills Your Employees Should Learn in 2018

Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of talk about “soft skills” that employees need to learn, such as time management, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. But what “hard skills” or technical skills will your employees need to learn in 2018 to keep up in a world full of ever-changing technology? Below are […]

Identifying Sources of Free Training

Many companies refer to their employees as their greatest asset. The skills, experience, education, and training of their workforce are what gives them their competitive advantage. But, when it comes to training, cost is often a major factor in how frequently, and how well, organizations ensure employees have the right information and resources to do their […]

Cybersecurity Training Part I: Awareness of Significance of the Threat

As the global economy becomes increasingly computerized and interconnected, cybersecurity threats are increasing dramatically. This trend means that there are both increasing points of vulnerability—as more connections are formed and more data is transmitted over those connections—and greater incentives for cybercriminals—as more money changes hands over the Internet and more sensitive data are stored and transmitted […]

Do You Train Your Supervisors on How to Manage Challenging Employees?

Supervising employees is never easy, but some workers make the task particularly difficult. These challenging employees can try your supervisors’ patience and drain a lot of their time and energy. They can also be a disruptive influence, damaging morale and making it difficult for their coworkers to function productively. That’s why your supervisors need to […]