Tag: Training Today

How Important is it to Provide Training in Conjunction with a Wellness Program?

Training is an essential component of any wellness program. “The education part is big,” says Peggy Cretella, an instructional design manager with Business & Legal Resources. “If you educate people, you empower them to be in charge of their own health” and to make healthier choices. Cretella, who developed the content for the online Wellness […]

Are You Trying to Maintain Training Excellence with a Decreased Budget?

Like many other companies, the economic downturn forced Heavy Construction Systems Specialists Inc. (HCSS) to reduce its employee development budget over the last few years. But unlike some other companies, the Sugar Land, Texas, company was able to cut expenses without sacrificing learning for its 100+ employees. Doing More with Less With a little creativity, […]

Train Managers to Avoid Rookie Hiring Mistakes?

If you have not identified your critical needs, and how to screen for them, you’ll fail, says Susan M. Heathfield, blogging about hiring mistakes on About.com. Here are two more of her mistakes managers make. 7. Failure to Differentiate the Critical Job Skills Everyone has a wish list for their ideal candidate, but you must […]

Does Your Leadership Training Create Career Paths?

In recent years, Convergys (http://www.convergys.com/), a global leader in providing customer care, human resources, and billing services, implemented two training and development programs, Future Leaders and Emerging Leaders. Training magazine recognized the programs when it named Convergys to a recent Training Top 125 list. “We are honored to be named to this select list of […]

Are Your Managers Making Rookie Hiring Mistakes?

Bad hires sap time, training resources, and emotional energy, says Susan M. Heathfield, blogging on About.com. Here are her top eight “rookie” mistakes (often made by experienced pros as well). 1. Failure to Prescreen Candidates Prescreening applicants is a must, Heathfield says. A half-hour phone call saves hours of your time and other interviewers’ time, […]

Leadership Training Creates Competitive Advantage, Career Paths

The company’s CEO believes that, ideally, Convergys “leaders should spend 50 percent of their time coaching employees for performance,” Handy says. Consistent with that philosophy, the company piloted a third leadership program this spring. The day-long Leader as Coach program is geared toward managers at the director level and above. If you are looking for […]

How Would a Court Rate Your Safety Training Programs?

“Brendan” worked for a chemical company for 30 years before he was injured. A mechanic, Brendan was hurt when he and another employee tried to replace three broken drive belts on a blending blower. Three fingers on Brendan’s right hand were injured when they were pinched between the drive belt and a pulley. The incident […]

Is Your Training Sufficient for Your Employees' Career Needs?

While 77 percent of survey respondents indicated that training should be a joint responsibility between employer and employee, more than 33 percent said the current training they receive from their employer is not sufficient to meet their career needs in the future, according to the survey by Kelly Services (www.kellyservices.com), a global workforce solutions firm. […]

Another Court Case that Hinged on a Training Program

When a painting company got a contract to paint a highway bridge, scaffolds were suspended from the bridge. And because employees would be working 30 feet above the ground, use of fall protection in the form of a personal fall arrest system secured directly to the bridge was required and issued to each scaffold worker. […]

How To Create Your Own Training ‘Reality Show’

Cynthia Cristilli, founder and director of Life Theatre Services (www.lifetheatre.com), continues guest writing today with step-by-step instructions on creating your own training reality show. This unique training method can be used to great effect as one piece of your overall blended learning training program. How to Stage a Workplace Reality Show and Leave a Lasting […]