Tag: United States


What New Hires Want from the Onboarding Experience

Onboarding can make or break any new hire. If you aren’t properly onboarding your new staff, these workers may become a flight risk. New research from Hibob, an HR tech platform, reveals that 64% of new employees are less likely to stay at a job after a negative onboarding experience.


Factors to Consider with Applicants Who Have Criminal Records

In a previous post, we discussed the recently signed FIRST STEP Act, which reduces sentences for thousands of nonviolent criminals and promises to provide shorter sentences for certain nonviolent crimes going forward. When it comes to a particular individual, the criminal justice system has two primary goals: punishment and rehabilitation.

How to Offer Child Care as a Workplace Perk

According to research, 85% of parents say they wish their employer offered childcare benefits; almost two-thirds of parents—and 83% of Millennials—say they’d leave one job for another if it offered better family-care benefits; and two-thirds of parents said childcare costs have influenced their overall career decisions.


Massive Desire for Cultural Fit Among Workers

When companies look to hire new employees, there are some baseline credentials that typically must be met: education, certifications, years of experience, experience in certain specific areas, etc. By and large, these credentials can be ascertained from a résumé or online job application.


Does Female Risk Aversion Impact Career Advancement?

One of the traits that sets successful entrepreneurs apart from others is their appetite for risk. While risk obviously opens one up to failures, it’s also often the case that those willing to take greater risks are more likely to receive greater rewards—including financial rewards.

Super bowl

Mitigating the Effects of Absenteeism

In a previous post, we discussed the findings of the second installment of Kronos’ Global Retail Absence survey, which analyzed responses from 800 retail managers across Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.