Tag: wages


DOL’s new overtime rule comes with unintended consequences

by Dan Oswald Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a new rule that requires anyone who makes less than $47,476 to receive overtime pay. When a colleague suggested I consider this topic for my blog, I was reluctant. I’m not an expert on wage and hour issues. We have many people much […]

New overtime regulations require $47,476 salary for exemption

By Susan Prince, JD, M.S.L., Legal Editor The federal Department of Labor (DOL) is releasing the final changes to the overtime regulations. The most prominent change is the increase in the salary level required for exemption from overtime to an annual salary of $47,476. This translates to a weekly salary of $913.

New Survey Demystifies Factors Causing the ‘Gender Pay Gap’

A new report by Glassdoor, Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap, helps to confirm the existence of wage disparities by sex and why they continue. It is based on a unique data set of more than 534,000 salary reports by employees, which includes pay data down to specific job title and company name.

Ask the Expert: Can this Exempt Employee Be Paid Hourly?

We are a staffing company that employs W-2 contractors. We are trying to determine exempt vs. nonexempt status for an employee. The job is a Senior Systems Engineer. Utilizing an FLSA checklist, he meets the criteria for an exempt employee. However, he is not a salaried employee. Does the fact that he is paid hourly […]

DOL’s Final Overtime Rules Coming Any Day Now

By BLR Legal Editor Susan Prince, JD Employers, get ready for a busy summer! Just when you are about to embark on your summer getaways, dreaming of sun and relaxation … you are probably going to have 60 days to make sure you are in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes. Well, […]

Ask the Expert: Should Employee Be Paid for Enrolling in Benefits?

One of my clients has an employee who is requesting compensation for time spent enrolling in benefits using his/her personal time. The employees have limited access to computers since they work in a production area. The employer will have a computer set up for employees to use during the week of open enrollment. However, employees […]