Tag: weight discrimination

Most Employees Have Experienced Workplace Discrimination

Most workers today have experienced some form of discrimination in the workplace, according to Monster, which recently conducted a poll in honor of National Disability Independence Day. Discrimination Is Rampant The results of Monster’s poll may be shocking to some. For example, here are some of its key takeaways: Only 9% of those polled say […]

How to Combat Weight Discrimination in the Workplace

When we hear the words diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), many people automatically think of race and ethnicity as a focal point. However, DEI extends far beyond just race alone. Diversity is the variety of backgrounds, lived experiences, identities, and even perspectives of an individual. In the case of weight, many people don’t often consider […]


Training: One Way to Tackle Weight Discrimination at Work

Imagine two résumés showing equally desirable qualifications. One belongs to a thin applicant and the other to an applicant viewed as overweight. Which candidate gets the job? An even more intriguing question: What if the heavier applicant had a more impressive résumé than the thinner candidate? Which candidate would get the job in that case?

Is Weight Discrimination Illegal?

With the majority of people in the United States being either overweight or obese today, you wouldn’t think it would be in an employer’s best interest to be discriminatory against someone who is overweight. Yet, this happens all the time. Sometimes, it’s with intentions that sound good in theory but still end up being hurtful […]