Tag: women in the workplace

Doubling Paternity Leave to Support Women in the Workplace

Women in the workforce know about the “motherhood penalty,” or the negative career impact that results from becoming a mom, even if they don’t know it by that name. Those who receive the penalty experience reduced compensation and opportunities for career advancement. There are plenty of statistics that support this. One recent survey found that […]

Women Can Be the Architects of the Future of Work

We often refer to the “future of work” as if we’re waiting for the next episode of a television series. Yet before we see a season of equality, women will need to be in the writers’ room. Without the energy, ideas, and mobilizing capacities of women, business will continue to be business as usual. By […]

Are We Failing Women When it Comes to the Workplace?

Welcome to our first installment of HR Perspectives! This op-ed column places a spotlight on viewpoints from HR consultants and professionals in the HR industry. If you are interested in sharing your insights on and experiences with HR in the workplace, please reach out to our editorial staff at HRDAeditors@blr.com. There’s a massive pool of […]

HR Query: Staying Compliant with PUMP and PWFA

Two new laws strengthen protections for pregnant and nursing employees in the workplace: the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP). In this week’s HR Query, we’re highlighting what you need to know to make sure organizations stay compliant. The PWFA took effect June 27, 2023, […]

How Companies Can Advance Women in the Workplace

Forty-two percent of working women in the United States report experiencing gender discrimination in the workplace.  Women in the workplace have made a considerable amount of progress, but true inclusion and belonging require more equitable action than just equality. To ensure true inclusion and belonging in the workplace, businesses must take proactive steps to remove […]

Examining the Effects of the Wage Gap on Women in the Workplace 

Research indicates that after having children, the wage gap between men and women expands substantially. This is largely due to more mothers opting for part-time jobs like child care or other family responsibilities over higher-paying full-time roles. Unfortunately, this perpetuates a cycle of gender inequality in the workplace, hindering female workers from achieving their potential […]

Securing a Gender-Equal Future with Boldness and Respect

I believe differences are meant to be celebrated and in the strength of many. When a unique mix of people come together with different experiences and are comfortable sharing their perspectives, the outcome is fruitful. How else can we expect to shed light on our blind spots? How else can we learn and apply new, […]

The Power of You: Women Are Building Influence in the Workplace by Embracing Their Authentic Self

When women start their careers or take their first leadership role, their impulse is often to assimilate. In the process, many end up abandoning or concealing their authentic self, and that’s a shame because when you leave behind your authentic self, you leave behind many of the unique talents that go with it. Indeed, successful […]