Tag: Workers Compensation

CEO to HR—Show Me the Money!

Show Me the Money Oswald, author of the Oswald Letter, suggests that HR can start by concentrating on three areas: turnover (see yesterday’s Advisor), productivity, and absence. Here’s how to present to him: Tell me how much your plan would save. Tell me how much your plan would cost. (That tells me what my ROI […]

The 3 Critical Categories for Salesperson Success

To accurately predict whether an individual will succeed in sales, you (and/or your assessment tool) need to extract information in three critical categories, says Anderson, who is president of the Selling Skills Institute, and developer of the proprietary Shift Thinking Selling Methodology. Anderson offered his tips at a recent BLR/HRHero webinar. Here are Anderson’s three […]

Working while on vacation, home office injuries, and tandem lay-off meetings

Employees go on vacation, but business doesn’t stop. So sometimes workers are asked to put in time when they’re expecting to be kicking back at the beach. Working from home is a popular arrangement, but what are the workers’ compensation implications when an employee is injured in a home office? Lay-off meetings are never easy, […]

Meet, Lead, or Lag the Market?

Strand, owner of consultancy HR Dynamics Inc., offered his seven steps to successful market pricing at a recent webinar hosted by BLR/HRhero. [Go here for steps 1 to 4] 5. Choose Your Rate Let’s say that in analyzing market data, you come up with a market rate of $61,400 for an Office Manager position, and […]

Workers’ Compensation Versus Other Employment Laws

“The difficult workers’ compensation problems are only one aspect of a multi-dimensional employment law problem.”, noted David Schmit in a BLR webinar titled “Workers’ Comp: How to Discipline or Terminate Claimants While Minimizing Your Legal Risks,”. If you’ve been considering firing an employee who is out on workers’ comp leave – or recently back from […]

The 6 Scary Phrases to Avoid in Appraisals

West, principal at Employment Practices Specialists in Pacifica, California, offered her suggestions at SHRM’s annual conference and exhibition, held recently in Las Vegas. Here are her six scary phrases: 1. ‘You’re overcommitted’ When you say this, the applicant will hear: “Has kids and won’t stay late.” Sounds like discrimination. 2. ‘You lack skills necessary to […]