Tag: workplace culture


Multigenerational Workforce Drives Innovation, Problem Solving

There are now five generations in the workplace, and while much focus has been on the potential for conflict and miscommunication between generations, a new study reports on some positive impacts of age diversity—increased innovation and problem solving! Among U.S. respondents, 87% said that a multigenerational workforce increases innovation and problem solving.


Defining the American Workforce in 2018

Continuing from yesterday’s post, here are six additional things currently defining and shaping the American workforce in 2018.


What Defines the American Workforce in 2018?

Today’s workforce certainly looks much different than it did a decade ago, thanks to technological innovation, new generations joining the workforce, and expanding global commerce and communications.


4 Consequences of a Poorly Inspired Company Culture

In 2017, a whopping 80% of businesses claimed that they were planning to improve their corporate cultures, most likely in an attempt to better engage their employees and promote better cohesion across their organizations.


4-Day Workweek Shows Positive Results in New Zealand

A 4-day workweek is probably the dream scenario for many full-time employees. With work/life balance an increasing desire for employees who juggle personal and professional responsibilities, having more time to pursue personal and leisure interests is an obvious desire.

shut up

What Free-Speech Protections Do Private Sector Employees Have?

As Americans, we are rightfully proud of our freedoms and our rights. The country was founded on such principals. So, it’s not surprising that many employees become indignant if and when their employers put in place or enforce policies they see as curbing these rights, particularly their right to free speech.


Importance of Annual Off-Site Meetings

Many readers have been part of, or have at least heard from friends and family, about annual off-site meetings. These are often once-a-year gatherings—either of all employees or perhaps all employees of a particular seniority level—where the previous year’s progress and results are reviewed and the goals and objectives for the coming year are unveiled […]


5 Factors that Lead to Burnout

Employee turnover is costly for organizations. It takes time and resources to identify, recruit, onboard, and train new staff—not to mention the institutional knowledge that may be completely lost when an employee leaves.


How Diversity Training Impacts White Employees

The United States is an increasingly multicultural and multiracial society—and so is its consumer market. At the same time, American companies are increasingly taking a global approach to thinking about where to sell their products. This means that companies need to think hard about how to appeal to—and not offend—diverse groups. High-profile stories about racially […]


What Would Employees Give Up for a Raise?

There are many factors that influence employee satisfaction. Obviously, one of the first to come to mind is compensation. Whether it’s a salary or bonus, you’d be hard-pressed to find an employee who wouldn’t like a little extra in his or her paycheck.