Tag: workplace violence


Behavioral Intervention in the Workplace and its Benefits

Stress in the workplace is now a widespread epidemic. According to extensive research conducted by The American Institute of Stress, 40% of workers reported their job was “very” or “extremely” stressful, and 80% of workers feel stress on the job. And it costs U.S. businesses $190 billion in annual healthcare costs alone—$300 billion in total. […]


How to Put an End to Workplace Bullying

Bullying comes in many forms. Traditionally, when people think of bullying, they think of a kid getting picked on by older peers on the playground or someone spreading rumors online. The reality is that 82% of bullying occurs in peer-to-peer situations, which can continue into adulthood and even into the workplace.


Practice What You Hope to Never Need

Violence struck at the heart of the Arizona legal community this summer. Over two days in early June, gunshots rang out at a law firm and the offices of two mental health professionals who often serve as court witnesses. For several days while the shooter remained at large, legal workplaces in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and surrounding […]