
Coming ALIVE: A Treatment Plan for Employee Engagement

By Ruth Ross

Today’s workplaces are drowning in a sea of disengagement. It’s easier to find a needle in a haystack then to find an employee who is highly engaged and passionate about their work. You may not even be aware of just how bad the situation is because disengagement is mostly a silent disease.

Your employees might be smiling on the outside, but crying on the inside. Only those that are actively disengaged make sure to let their organization know how they feel through their words and actions.

The secret to treating the disengagement epidemic is not to think of employee engagement as a program—where you can throw money at the problem, and it will go away. We just need to get back to basics by connecting on a one-to-one basis. The best medicine is holistic and preventative, not reactive and after the fact.

The basic construct of my ALIVE plan is that an exit interview shouldn’t be the first time that someone finds out that their employee is disengaged and unhappy in their role. Too many people today have quit and stayed in their chairs, right under your nose. There couldn’t be a more damaging concept for a company that wants to be successful and profitable.

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