HR Strange But True

Would You Rather…?

By Kyle Emshwiller

A few weeks ago, we reported on a “would you rather” survey that highlighted some surprising preferences, including that 38 percent would rather go to work than landscape.

If we were surprised then, we are shocked now. Mashable recently reported on a Harris Interactive poll that looked into the frustration behind changing usernames and passwords.

According to the poll results, the same percentage of people (38 percent) would rather do household chores such as doing laundry, washing dishes, and cleaning the toilet—yes, the toilet!—rather than create a new user name or password.

While coming up with new user names and especially passwords can be a nuisance, it’s also one of the easiest ways to be proactive about your security at work and at home.

So, if it’s that time again, here are a few passwords to avoid from SplashData’s (a smartphone app company) list of the 25 worst passwords:

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. abc123

Some other, more creative passwords, but still on the “worst list” are monkey (6), letmein (8), trustno1 (9), and iloveyou (13).

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