Month: February 2015

“I’m Ron ******* Swanson”

Ron Swanson is the man. If you’re not a Parks & Recreation devotee, I can’t recommend enough that you tune in if for no other reason than to enjoy his morsels of wit and wisdom. For the uninitiated, Ron Swanson is fictional Pawnee, Indiana’s, director of Parks & Recreation. He’s a crusty, deadpan, hard-core libertarian […]

No short-term disability benefits for tummy tuck recovery

by Louise Béchamp In an interesting case, the Superior Court of Quebec in Syndicat des agents de la paix en services correctionnels du Québec v. Pineau confirmed on judicial review an earlier arbitration decision denying an employee short-term disability benefits for the recovery period following cosmetic surgery.

Facing Setbacks? Adopt a Survivor’s Mind-Set

The 2007 book Lone Survivor tells the true story of a failed Navy SEAL mission in Afghanistan from the viewpoint of the only person who survived, Marcus Luttrell. The book—and later a film of the same title—recounts the details of a mission gone wrong and the battle for survival.

Facing Setbacks? Adopt a Survivor’s Mind-Set

The 2007 book Lone Survivor tells the true story of a failed Navy SEAL mission in Afghanistan from the viewpoint of the only person who survived, Marcus Luttrell. The book—and later a film of the same title—recounts the details of a mission gone wrong and the battle for survival.


Employer Actions During Unionization

Employers often dread the idea of unionization among employees, perhaps fearing that the employees will have unreasonable demands or will go on strike. Some employers even actively work to discourage unionization activities among employees—but doing so can be illegal.

HR certification update: a look at HRCI and SHRM programs

A lot has changed since last spring when the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) announced it was launching a new certification program for HR professionals. The move surprised not just practitioners interested in enhancing their professionalism by earning certification. It also surprised HR Certification Institute (HRCI), the organization that runs what was for decades […]