Month: November 2016


3 Ways to Improve Benefits Communication

by Karen Gustin, executive vice president of Ameritas Group Division We know that when it comes to health benefits, employees want choices. And they expect their employers to help them understand those choices. Studies show that people are more satisfied with their jobs, and less likely to look for other employment opportunities, if they believe […]


Survey: Small Businesses Lack Communication, Leaves Employees Feeling Unfulfilled

More than 40% of small business employees say they receive no feedback from their company and its managers, even though consistent performance evaluation is considered by Human Resources experts to be one of the most important qualities of a manager. This lack of feedback is having a negative impact on the enthusiasm of small business […]

FLSA: Do Tipped Workers Have a Minimum Wage Claim?

by Steven L. Brenneman Employers with workers who earn tips have long struggled with adhering to special rules for tipped employees, especially when those employees may also perform duties that don’t produce tips. A recent decision by the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals—which covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin—provides some much needed clarity and comfort […]

Managing Incentive Compensation Plan Changes: 5 Steps for Success

by John Ristuccia, vice president, Professional Services, Optymyze An incentive compensation plan, in which salespeople are compensated based on their ability to meet established performance goals, is key to building an engaged sales force aligned with the overall goals of the organization. Done well, these plans are highly effective, in terms of driving positive selling […]

Not Fair! California Fairground Employer Faces Overtime Claims

by Matthew A. Goodin, Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. Both federal and state law requires employers to pay employees overtime. However, the laws are very different, and each contains many exemptions. Some of the more common exemptions, such as those for professional, administrative, or executive employees, are similar under both laws. But even then, there […]

Workers with IDDs: Safety Training Objectives

By Jennifer Busick In yesterday’s Advisor, guest columnist Jennifer Busick outlined eight core safety competencies that workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) need to develop. Today Busick presents six safety training objectives for these employees.

7 Reasons Your Workforce Is Not Motivated

One of the biggest issues employers face today is how to motivate their workforce. Highly engaged employees have more motivation to be proactive and to achieve their goals, allowing the organization to maximize productivity. They’re more likely to stay with the company, thus reducing turnover and its associated costs.

Hottest gift this holiday season? Work-life balance

by Dan Oswald Thanksgiving is behind us, and the holidays are in full swing. Most of us feel busier than ever this time of year. With parties to attend, gifts to buy, and anticipated travel for the holidays, there certainly is a lot going on. How do we find time to get everything done and […]

Foam Bubbles and Swing Sets … This Could Be Your Future Workplace

When one thinks of the future, it usually involves extremely advanced technology, like hover cars and computer chips in our brains, but usually one never gives the workplace any thought. What would our workplace look like in the future? Would we be sitting at levitating desks? Or possibly communicating with holograms instead of by e-mail? […]