Month: June 2017

financial wellness

4 Tips for Incorporating a Financial Wellness Program in Your Company

Benefits specialists identify providing financial wellness training and tools as a key workplace trend for 2017.  “Financial wellness is hot. In the past year, the number of employers recognizing the impact financial stress has on employee productivity reached critical mass. As a result, we are seeing a big jump in the number of companies saying […]


Voluntary Benefits Gaining Popularity Across the Country

Benefitfocus, Inc., a provider of cloud-based benefits management software, has released its “State of Employee Benefits – Regional Edition” research report, a snapshot of real, but anonymous employee benefit election data from over 500 employers on the BENEFITFOCUS® Platform, broken out by U.S. Census region.


DFEH Issues Important Guidance On Investigating Harassment Complaints

On May 2, 2017, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) released its Workplace Harassment Guide, which advises employers how to develop an effective antiharassment program, respond to and investigate claims of harassment, and take appropriate remedial actions. The guide, found here, follows up on regulations the Fair Employment and Housing Council enacted […]

How Employers Can (and Cannot) Use Social Media to Evaluate Employees

At a time when new social media platforms and practices have dramatically changed how we communicate, relate to each other, and share information, understanding the professional implications of social media activity has become increasingly important.