
6 Additional Ways to Inspire a More Inclusive Work Space

Adding to yesterday’s post, here’s more information about how you can inspire more inclusive work spaces for your employees.space

1. Include Private Spaces

Although around 70% of office spaces in the United States contain an open floor plan, studies have suggested that open floor plans are not as conducive to employees’ productivity as private work spaces are. In fact, open-plan offices result in a 32% fall in employees’ well-being and a 15% drop in productivity.
While some think that open floor plans promote more collaboration and teamwork, they also significantly impact employee performance and are ironically not always best suited for more inclusive working environments.

2. Use the Right Lighting

According to research, cooler blue lights promote alertness and cause less eye strain, so they’re better suited for work spaces where employees need to focus. And warmer lights promote relaxation and comfort, so they’re better suited for break rooms and spaces where employees will collaborate and socialize. Using the right types of lighting can definitely inspire more inclusive work spaces that cater to different modes of working. 

3. Make Bathrooms Gender Neutral

Designate some or all of your bathrooms gender neutral with the appropriate signage. Not everyone conforms to one gender, and forcing people to do so can make some feel very uncomfortable in the workplace. Instead, provide everyone with safe and clearly marked options. 

4. Cater to New Mothers

Being a new mother is stressful and comes with a lot of not-so-obvious responsibilities. Offer spaces for new mothers who are nursing and need to be on a pumping schedule. And in such spaces, include refrigerators and appropriate storage. In addition, consider including on-site childcare facilities for new mothers. 

5. Be Intentional About Naming Spaces

Employers like to name their conference rooms, floors, and other work spaces. When doing so, be sure to remain inclusive and be intentional about what you call your spaces. Be sure to include a diverse pool of names that include women, minorities, etc.

6. Consider Individuals with Disabilities

Design work spaces that are free of clutter and obstacles for those who are in wheelchairs or who are on crutches. And make things in break rooms and common areas easy for everyone to access.
In addition, be sure to offer assistive technology tools such as screen magnification systems, speech synthesizers, braille translators, and other tools for those who may be visually or hearing-impaired.
Essentially, if you’re interested in inspiring more inclusive work spaces for your employees, consider every single one of your employees, what they need, who they are as individuals, and the ways in which they actually work at your organization.

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