Talent, Technology

4 Reasons Why Your Employees’ Assessments Should Be on Mobile

Whether they’re completing self-assessments, personality assessments, learning and development (L&D) assessments, performance assessments, or some other type of assessment, employees should be encouraged and able to complete their assessments online and via mobile devices. Here are four main reasons why.


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1. They Are More Convenient

Over half of the world’s population owns or uses a mobile device. And the mobile learning market alone is currently projected to be worth $37.6 billion by 2020. So, your employees are already on their mobile devices and using them for work, L&D, etc.

Allow employees to take their assessments on their mobile devices, too, so they can do so at their own convenience, when and where they are comfortable. This will also enable them to take assessments at their own pace, giving them more time to focus on completing their assignments accurately or to the best of their abilities.

2. They Are Less Stressful

Your employees will feel less stress and anxiety when completing assessments if they can do so at their own convenience. Instead of being forced to take an assessment at a specific time or place, for example, they can do it when they are prepared and are able to focus, which will ensure that their assessment scores or results are more accurate and reflective of their skills and aptitudes.

3. They Offer Immediate Feedback

When employees take their assessments online, they will receive instant scores and results. This allows them to learn from and act on what their results reveal right away—employees will know instantly which topics they need to study more in depth.

And they’ll be able to apply the knowledge they gain from their results to their L&D goals, everyday work tasks, and long-term career goals.

4. They Help Employees Learn Faster

If employees can access immediate feedback and results from their online assessments, they will also be able to learn faster. They’ll instantly know what topics they need to study and have more of an idea of what they want to learn about next.

In addition to the above information, statistics parsed by Capterra are compelling in terms of why learners’ assessments should be available via mobile devices.

  • Seventy percent of learners felt more motivated when training on a mobile device.
  • Mobile e-learners typically study for 40 minutes longer than students using a desktop or tablet.
  • Smartphone learners complete course material 45% faster.

Overall, when assessments and L&D materials are online and distributed via mobile devices, they’re more effective and yield higher returns on your investments.

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