Author: Guest Columnist


Ask the Expert: How Soon Must We Rectify Paycheck Error?

Question: We made an error on an employee’s paycheck. They were not paid for 8 hours of vacation time.  Do we need to make this payment within a certain time period of  paycheck date? Can a company have a policy that any adjustments will be reflected in the following paycheck?

IRS Limits Excludability of Fixed Indemnity Payments

Payments that an employer makes to an employee under a fixed indemnity health plan must be included in the employee’s taxable income, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently indicated, if the plan premiums were paid by the employer or by salary reduction under a cafeteria plan.

Millennials and Workplace Mentors: Why the Search is On

Millennials are very much looking to their workplace superiors for mentorship, but studies show they’re coming up short—and that’s detrimental on personal, company, and industry-wide levels. In order to become the best leaders of tomorrow, young professionals need guidance from the best leaders of today.

New York

2nd Circuit: No Trifecta for New York Employee’s Wage and Hour Claims

Violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and New York state’s Labor Law subject employers to paying employees back pay plus “liquidated” damages of an equal amount (in addition to reasonable attorneys’ fees). Recently, a question arose on whether an employee can “stack” liquidated damages under the FLSA and the Labor Law so that he scores a triple recovery: back pay and liquidated damages under the FLSA plus liquidated damages under the Labor Law.

Improve Employee Morale with 7 Days of ‘Thank You’

By Donna Cutting, Author How many times a day do you tell someone, “thank you?” Three? Four? Do you look them in the eye when you say it? Do you mean it? Or are you merely adhering to the social convention of mumbling out a short phrase of appreciation when you know the situation calls […]


CEO Pay Ratio Disclosures: Start Preparing Now

As part of the Dodd-Frank Act, public companies will soon be subject to CEO pay ratio disclosure requirements. Starting with reporting for any fiscal year that begins on or after January 1, 2017, these organizations will have to disclose not only the CEO annual total compensation, but also the total annual compensation of the median […]

There’s Room for Improvement with Leadership Development

Every company agrees that well-prepared leaders are essential for business success, but how satisfied are you with the success of your leadership development efforts? If you are like most participants in a recent survey, you probably see a need for improvement.