Author: Guest Columnist

Be Aware of the Wage and Hour Implications of Telecommuting

The practice of allowing employees to work from home—known as telecommuting—is a growing trend. Today’s technology allows many employees to work from anywhere. Telecommuting can be a plus for both you and your employees. Your company benefits because you pay less in fixed overhead costs when you don’t have to provide a traditional office for workers, and employees often enjoy the flexibility of working from home.


How to Spot an ‘A-Player’ Talent in an Interview

It is surprising how many executives and even HR professionals do not like or look forward to interviewing candidates.  After all, this should be the celebration of bringing on another great employee right?  Their fear is likely because many of them have historically not had very good success predictably selecting top performers through their current interview process.

Mastering Tough FMLA Issues: When Spouses Work for the Same Company

This article series addresses some of the most confusing real world problems surrounding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In the last installment, we focused on managing intermittent and reduced schedule leave and how fluctuating work schedules are impacted. In this installment, we’ll look at FMLA leave regarding spouses who work for the same […]

5 Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Workplace Violence Resulting from Termination

Usually after a termination, the first thing an angry former employee does is call an employment lawyer. Over the past few decades however, a growing number of disgruntled employees instead return and inflict bodily injury—or worse—on their former bosses or those the employee feels is responsible for his or her termination.