Category: HR Strange But True

Catch up on the latest odd, offbeat, and humorous HR stories.

Putin to ‘Raise’ Retirement Ages

They say everything is relative. With his country having budget woes due to lower petroleum prices and sanctions over the Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he may be forced to “raise” retirement ages. Wait until you see what the ages are now!

CEO Makes Just as Much as His Employees!

Yes, you read that correctly. There is a CEO who actually makes just as much as his employees! How much, you ask? According to The New York Times, over the next 3 years, everyone at Gravity Payments will be making $70,000 a year—even the CEO.

What a Hoot! Waitress Fired for Having Blonde Hair

When you think of the restaurant chain Hooters, you immediately think about how good their wings are, right? In case you didn’t know, the chain is also very popular for their waitstaff. In fact, the dress code has been known to turn heads! In one waitress’s case, though, heads were turned for a different reason!

Beauty and the Business School—What Is the Connection?

No, this HR Strange but True isn’t about a Disney® movie or beauty school dropout Frenchy in Grease. It’s about a fascinating new course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business taught not by an MBA but by the artist in residence—Diane Ragsdale—that addresses a possible link between a concept of beauty and success […]