Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

Best Practices in Training: Wellness Coaching That Works!

In a pilot project over a 12-month period, more than half of participants in a pilot program sponsored by Onlife Health, a national health and wellness company, and Government Employees Health Association (GEHA), a national health plan for federal employees, lowered their blood pressure through education, coaching, and monitoring. Onlife coaches worked with GEHA members […]

Expert Advice on E-Learning

There are four key “land mines” that trainers might encounter when developing e-learning modules, but careful planning can help trainers sidestep those problems, says Jennifer DeVries, president and chief solutions architect of BlueStreak Learning ( The first problem deals with delivery. Even the most innovative, cutting-edge e-learning module won’t be effective if it is designed […]

Long-Time Trainer Honored for Apprenticeship Development

In his 3-decade career with Bosch Rexroth, Mike Bryan has trained nearly 770 apprentices and continuously demonstrated his support for developing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills among the next generation of workers. His efforts were recently recognized by the German American Chambers of Commerce (GACC), which presented Bryan with its Trainer of the […]

Chronic Conditions—Frustrating, Annoying? Yes, But You Must Accommodate

One of the most challenging tasks in HR is dealing with lifelong illnesses or chronic conditions under the FMLA and ADA. But you have no choice, says Attorney Patricia Eyres. What Is a Chronic Condition? What is a “Chronic Condition” for purposes of leaves, accommodations, and performance management? Eyres says that it is a disease […]

Supervisor’s Job? Keep HR’s Options Open

In yesterday’s Advisor, attorney Mark Schickman discussed basic guidelines for supervisor training. Today, more tips for supervisors, plus an introduction to BLR’s audit-by-checklist program. Your supervisors aren’t technical experts on HR matters, and they‘re not going to be, but you can train them to act in a way that preserves HR’s options, says Schickman, a […]

Handbook Not Enough—You Must Train Supervisors

Yes, you have handbooks, but you need to train to be sure your supervisors know the material provisions of your policies and rules, says attorney Mark Schickman. And they need to understand that policies must be fairly and consistently applied.   While you are at it, Schickman adds, make sure that your practices match your […]

Study Shows Spending on Training Soars

A recent study by Bersin by Deloitte revealed that overall spending on training rose 15 percent to $1,169 per learner on average in 2013. The rise in training spending is a signal that businesses are responding to a growing skills gap as the economy recovers by investing more in employee development. The findings appear in […]

Train Your Managers to Be Winning Coaches

To recap the coaching training exercise: This exercise is intended for all supervisors. Its objective is to review basic information about coaching. Instruct trainees to complete the work sheet below. Then discuss the results as a group and answer any questions. 1. Briefly define “coaching.” __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. Identify three purposes of coaching. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ […]

Do You Train Managers to Be Winning Coaches?

In sports, coaches develop and motivate players. They work hard to bring out the best in each player and then to unify all their players into a winning team. Coaching in the workplace has basically the same purpose and involves similar techniques. To develop a competent, motivated, and productive workforce, your supervisors must be good […]

Census Bureau’s First-Ever Report on Education/Training Credits

The Census Bureau has reported that in fall 2012, more than 50 million U.S. adults, or one in four, had obtained a professional certification, license, or educational certificate apart from a postsecondary degree awarded by colleges and universities. Among the adults included in the report, 12 million had both a professional certification or license and […]