Category: Technology

It’s hard to talk HR at all today without talking HR Technology. From your ATS to your HRIS we’ve got all of your tech acronyms covered in this category.

AI Opens the Door for Hiring More Diverse Candidates

Competition for talent is fierce, and the pool for top candidates is seemingly small. That means finding, recruiting, and retaining talented employees is more challenging than ever before.


Is Technology a Friend or Foe to L&D Professionals?

Although 70% of Americans don’t think that robots will necessarily overtake their jobs in coming years, an overwhelming number of Americans are worried that other automated technologies and innovations will, according to a Pew Research survey.

New Technology Now Helps Recruiters Reconnect with Former Applicants

While low unemployment numbers represents great news for job applicants, it creates a challenging scenario for many employers struggling to fill key positions with qualified candidates. While employers spent years awash with desperate applicants, many may now be wishing they could only be reconnected with some of the potential hires they turned away not that […]


What You Need to Know to Train Your AI to Train Your Employees

According to research highlighted in MIT Sloan Management Review, 85% of executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will help them sustain or obtain a competitive advantage. Yet, less than 39% of companies have an AI strategy in place, including AI for learning and development (L&D) platforms.


Are There Ethical Matters to Consider for AI-Driven Training?

According to a recent survey, 42% of working professionals are concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to replace many human workers in the workplace soon. But more than 63% of those surveyed said that they are actually more concerned that human bias and prejudices such as race, religion, or demographics will corrupt the data […]


3 Tech Trends for L&D You’ll Want to Know About

More and more organizations are beginning to invest heavily in technologies for training and learning and development (L&D) purposes as such technology continues to get less and less expensive and as such technology becomes more and more pervasive and essential in employees’ everyday work lives.


How to Affordably Produce Captivating Training Content

With each passing year, workforces increasingly rely more and more on technology to perform at a high level. Due, in part, to growing up with technology, this has pushed the desire for online training and eLearning in the workplace to new heights.


5 Potential Disadvantages to Virtual Training You Should Consider

Virtual training occurs via a virtual or simulated environment when learners and instructors or trainers are in different physical locations. And while virtual training environments typically allow for more flexible learning options (for both trainers and learners) and can be more cost-effective for organizations, there are a few disadvantages to virtual training you might want […]

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities—Why Bad Actors Target HR Departments

Your organization’s C-suite isn’t the only target at risk of cyberattacks. Cybercriminals frequently target human resources (HR) departments with the goal of collecting financial and personally identifiable information (PII). HR departments not only are more likely to have cybersecurity vulnerabilities but also are the keepers of a great deal of personal and confidential information.