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Concrete Data Sheds Further Light on Labor Shortage

We’ve written a great deal about companies struggling to staff their organizations these days. Many are having to lower their minimum criteria, increase wages, or simply leave positions unfilled. Perhaps the most obvious labor shortage is in retail and service positions, which manifests itself in unexpected retail store closures and slow service at a favorite […]

Aligning Incentives

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of aligning employee incentives in order to optimize cooperation and collective action within an organization. Even the strongest leaders will struggle to achieve that cohesiveness if team members’ purpose doesn’t match. In this post, we discuss some strategies for tempering competing motivations and improving alignment. Holistic Incentives […]


Study Looks at Top Productivity Risks Heading Into 2022

The dawn of a new year is a time to reflect on the accomplishments and struggles of the previous year and a great time to celebrate successes and acknowledge shortcomings. It’s also a time to look forward and plan for the future. While a lot of that planning will focus on taking advantage of new […]

Making an Impact on DEI at Workday and Around the World

The murder of George Floyd and the resulting focus on the Black Lives Matter movement have fueled a renewed focus on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) not just in the United States but also around the world. There is a wide range of issues companies are grappling with today. The pandemic, of […]

Leveraging a Suddenly Global Talent Marketplace

Great companies find opportunities in chaos, and while the COVID-19 pandemic has created nearly 2 years of chaos in the United States and around the world, there are some notable silver linings. One of the most impactful—in terms of the sheer number of people affected—is the shift to widespread remote work. Millions of employees across […]

Older Workers Leading COVID-Era Jobs Exodus

The labor shortage employers are currently facing is obvious to anyone who’s recently eaten out at a restaurant or visited a retail store. Slow service, “help wanted” signs, and even businesses that are temporarily closed due to a lack of staff are increasingly common sights.

The Factors Contributing to Millennial Manager Burnout

For many, landing that first management-level position is a significant career milestone and something countless millennials have experienced in recent years as they continue to gain experience and seniority within the workforce. But these middle-management positions aren’t always the dream jobs they seem to be, and many millennial managers are starting to feel burned out.

Are Your Employees’ Incentives Aligned?

Whether it’s a sports team, a group of laborers, or a work team in a corporate office, the goal of any team leader is to create a cohesive unit that functions as one. Strong leadership can help make this goal a reality. But even the strongest leader will struggle to create cohesiveness if incentives aren’t […]

The Two Schools of Thought on Battling Procrastination

While most people probably consider themselves to be proactive go-getters, the reality is that everyone is guilty of procrastination from time to time. There are a variety of reasons for procrastination, ranging from depression to an inability to focus due to fear of failure, but one of the biggest culprits is simply the desire to […]

How Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is Poised to Help With the Labor Shortage

With companies around the globe struggling to find staff, could the time be ripe for an explosion in RPA? What kinds of solutions can this technology offer, and what does it mean for workers and employers long term? What’s Going On With the Labor Market? It’s no secret that the labor market, both in the […]