Tag: AED

Should You Train Your Employees for Medical Emergencies?

Are you considering providing medical training to your employees? Often, the focus of training is on employee development. But an increasing number of employers are starting to see the value of medical training when it means employees are able to react appropriately if a medical emergency occurs on the job.

FAQ on Hands-Only CPR

For more information, go to www.handsonlycpr.org. Q: What is Hands-Only CPR? A: “Hands-Only CPR” is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) without mouth-to-mouth breaths. It is recommended for use by people who see an adult suddenly collapse in the “out-of-hospital” setting. It consists of two steps: Call 911 (or send someone to do that). Begin providing high-quality chest […]

Are Your Employees Trained in Essential First Aid?

Picture this: A worker is hurt in an accident and blood is gushing from the wound. One of your employees chokes on a piece of food and can’t breathe. Someone goes into cardiac arrest right at his workstation. Would your employees be ready to act with speed and competence in a workplace medical emergency? They […]

Minding Employees’ Hearts During the Holidays

Holiday parties can be a great way to show your employees’ you appreciate them and inspire a sense a camaraderie at your company, but the gathering can also bring forward a host of HR issues related to alcohol, religious issues, or even sexual harassment. A new infographic looks at a—perhaps underestimated—threat at holiday office parties, […]