Tag: Best Practices

Best Practices for Employee Learning Retention (Part 2)

[Part 1 of this article appeared in yesterday’s edition.] Get Learners to Be Active According to The Learning Pyramid shaped by research conducted by the National Training Lab, participatory teaching methods ensure high learning retention rates. So, if you want your learners to truly retain what you’re teaching them, have them participate in their own […]

Best Practices for Increasing Learning Retention (Part 1)

According to longstanding scientific research by German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus, employees will forget up to 50% of what they learned within an hour if they don’t revisit the material they were covering. They’ll forget 70% of what they learned within a day. And they’ll forget 90% of the material they covered within a month!1 This […]

Understanding Different Learning Styles in the Workplace (Part 2)

[Part 1 of this article appeared in the previous issue.] Things Each Type of Learning Content and Approach Must Do Keep in mind that while their modes of delivery may be different, all pieces of learning content must still do similar things. Regardless of their learning styles, all learners must be continually engaged and motivated […]

Turning the Tables on Mentoring

Historically, the mentor/mentee relationship has generally been marked by a relationship between an older, and more experienced, mentor and a younger mentee. But, in today’s rapidly changing technology-laden landscape, these relationships are increasingly being flipped, offering opportunities for younger workers to mentor their older colleagues.