Tag: Best Practices

Breaking the Cycle of Bad Training

Companies have been following a broken training system for a long time now. They recruit and hire top talent, spend hours and money training, and then focus on upskilling the existing workforce. But when the desired results don’t follow all that and even more, the desired change in behavior doesn’t occur, and organizations go back […]

Mental Health in the Workplace: World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

Nearly 264 million people across the world suffer from depression or anxiety. In the wake of COVID-19 and a push to return to the office, 44% of workers believe that in-person work will have a negative impact on their mental health. Over 30% of workers that are already in the office report that the return […]

DEIB Best Practices for Promoting Long-Lasting Organizational Change

Despite heightened awareness surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in the workplace, there remains a need for significant change. More than 60% of U.S. workers say they’ve witnessed or experienced discrimination based on race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Many companies say they champion DEIB, but when they don’t follow through with meaningful change, […]

How to Create Effective Employment Offer Letters

Good news! During these times of challenging recruitment, a viable applicant seems interested in your business. What’s the next step to set the hook? A job offer letter serves many purposes. It should enhance the candidate’s interest in the opening and protect your company against claims that it misrepresented the employment opportunity. The letter also […]

Reflecting on Mental Health Awareness Month

May was Mental Health Awareness Month. For those who are struggling, know that it’s okay to not be okay—please reach out for help if you need it, and remember that there are people who care about you. While the month may be over, that doesn’t mean we should stop prioritizing wellbeing. We’ve collected our favorite […]

The Ever-Increasing Importance of Good Managers

Anyone watching old sitcoms from the mid- to late 20th century will likely see a stereotypical boss: authoritarian, demanding, and insensitive. The relationship between subordinate and manager was clear and one-sided: The subordinate was there to do the manager’s bidding and support the manager in whatever the manager needs.

4 Recruitment Challenges (And How to Overcome Them)

Anyone in HR knows this is a difficult time to be a recruiter. Whether you blame it on the downward-trending economy, the Great Resignation, or the number of companies desperate for labor, the fact is, the power balance right now rests in the hands of talent. Finding the right employees for open positions at your […]

To All Working Moms, Happy Mother’s Day 2022

To all our readers, friends, and colleagues, Happy Mother’s Day! “Working mothers are essential to our country’s economic future and competitiveness,” says Jill Koziol, co-founder and CEO of Motherly. According to the annual State of Motherhood Study, 48% of mothers are dissatisfied with their employer’s lack of flexibility and paid time off—the number one reason […]

Five Ways to Retain Fantastic Talent (Remote Edition)

There is no shortage of studies illuminating the unpredictable nature of the workforce today. From spikes in resignations last year to widespread employee demand for continued remote work options post-pandemic, the future of work is no longer a phenomenon we “expect” to happen; it’s here. Most companies have come to grips with the demand for […]


‘To-Do List Bankruptcy’

A to-do list can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, a to-do list helps people get and stay organized and avoid neglecting important tasks. Additionally, being able to cross an item off your to-do list can be quite fulfilling. On the other hand, a to-do list can be a significant source […]