Tag: CEO

Microlearning Mistakes for Trainers to Avoid

Microlearning is a hot topic in training today, but like all methods, it can be misused. So, what are some mistakes that trainers make when deploying microlearning? We get the answers from Stephen J. Meyer, president and CEO of Rapid Learning® Institute (rapidlearninginstitute.com).

The Payoff of Prioritizing Customer Service Training

In today’s Advisor we’ll see how one company made customer service a priority—in part through service education and training—and experienced a great increase in sales as a result.

New York

Pay Me: New York Real Estate Company Uses Its Handbook as A Shield Against Liability

Employee handbooks are recommended for several reasons, including that they set forth key company policies. Well-written handbook policies state how compensation will be addressed and who has the power to bind the company. In a recent case, the Appellate Division, 1st Department, held that a company’s handbook was enough to defeat an employee’s claim to compensation based on oral promises.

Bringing HR into the 21st Century

By Morag Barrett Some of HR’s policies and practices (including training) seem a little dated by today’s standards. Today guest columnist Morag Barrett makes the case for why HR must be brought into the 21st century.

How Microlearning Can Help with Soft Skills Training

What is microlearning, and how can it help with your training initiatives? Stephen J. Meyer, the president and CEO of Rapid Learning® Institute (rapidlearninginstitute.com), defines microlearning as “bite-size single-concept learning for today’s short-attention-span workforce.” Read on for Meyer’s thoughts on how microlearning can help with soft skills training.


CEO Pay Ratio Disclosures: Start Preparing Now

As part of the Dodd-Frank Act, public companies will soon be subject to CEO pay ratio disclosure requirements. Starting with reporting for any fiscal year that begins on or after January 1, 2017, these organizations will have to disclose not only the CEO annual total compensation, but also the total annual compensation of the median […]