Tag: collaboration

10 Fun Engagement Games and Activity Ideas for Your Employees

If you want your staff to give you their very best, you need to instill a sense of camaraderie among them. In order to create that coveted team spirit, staff engagement games and other activity ideas could be used to encourage your employees to bond with each other and, thus, work well together.


Are We Missing Out Without Our Commutes?

The shift to remote work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that more people than ever before are working from home offices. Depending on whom you ask, this is a blessing, a curse, or some mixture of both.


Adapting L&D to Remote Work

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations rolled their eyes at the need to work remotely. Even once the need to do so became more apparent, the expectation among many was that the remote work situation would last a few weeks at most. Fast-forward 6 months, and millions of Americans continue to work […]


Collaboration and Coming Together After COVID-19

Most of us have been transformed in unexpected ways by the pause in our life forced by COVID-19. We can dwell on the negatives, but the inspiring people we’ve interviewed at Ever Widening Circles teach us that the future belongs to those who find the positive gift of insight through chaos and negativity.


How to Onboard New Employees Virtually

With spring in full bloom, recruiters are gearing up for one of their busiest seasons of the year. While career fairs, on-campus events, and in-person interviews are typically common practices, COVID-19 is reshaping how employers go about recruiting.


How Can You Develop More Effective Teams?

If your teams are at each other’s throats, chances are your bottom line is being negatively impacted. Organizations across the country spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on teambuilding initiatives for the simple goal of creating a more united workforce. So how can you go about building more effective teams for your company or business?

Soft skills

Training for Soft Skills 101

When it comes to employee training, it’s important to have a clear idea of what trainees are expected to gain from the training process. This could include specific skills—how to operate a forklift, how to complete the monthly accounting checkout, etc.—but it can, and should, also encourage the development of what some would call soft […]

Five Ways Augmented Reality Will Revolutionize the Way We Collaborate

Employees have been on a seemingly rapid journey over the years, transitioning from tethered office phones and conference calls to rich multimedia team collaboration accessible anywhere on any device. But just as they have gotten used to sharing ideas, content, audio, and video with a mere mouse click or screen tap, they are now arriving […]


5 Tried and Tested Tips to Keep Your Remote Team Engaged

The huge advantage of traditional in-office work is that employees are engaged. How do you promote shared interest and motivation when people are thousands of miles away from each other? There are five actionable tips on how to increase employee engagement that you can adopt starting today.