Tag: employee development

Employee Engagement

Measuring Productivity: Encouraging Employee Engagement

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of employee productivity for businesses across all industries. Labor is a significant input into so many businesses, it’s crucial to make sure you’re getting the most out of that input.


Measuring Productivity: Developing Metrics

Employee productivity is one of the key indicators of a company’s success. The more productive your employees are, the more products or services they can produce, and the more you have to sell to the marketplace, while holding at least one factor of production—the employee—constant.


Changing Employee Attitudes

Bad attitudes can come in many forms: disrespect for authority, lack of teamwork, bad work ethic, poor customer service, etc. Whether it was the work-shy teenage coworker at our first job or the cranky, bitter manager at some later stage in our professional careers, most of us have worked with an employee with a bad […]


Major Employers Exploring VR Training Potential

Effective and efficient training is essential to employee development and the overall success of the organization. Companies are constantly trying to find ways to provide thorough and realistic training while minimizing the cost of that training and the time required to provide it to employees.


6 Tactics Managers Can Use to Develop Employees

It’s not uncommon for companies to promise professional development to job applicants during the hiring process. Employee growth programs carry enormous value and are often a given in bigger, more developed companies. They stem from organizational culture and values, take years to build, and have dedicated HR teams that refine them on a daily basis.


Disciplining Employees: Appropriate Tone/Approach

We’ve been talking recently about the subject of employee discipline—arguably one of the least-comfortable aspects of any manager’s job. In a previous post, we talked about the importance of having clear policies for employees so that they know what type of actions and behaviors are counter to company policy, as well as what the consequences […]