Tag: Employee Retention

Retaining Military Veterans: The Next Battle for Employers

The unemployment rate for military veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time since September 2001 has been trending downward in recent years. As of April 2017, it stands at 3.9 percent—the lowest rate since the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began keeping statistics on the population as a […]


In search of answers to HR’s age-old question: Why do people quit?

Human resource professionals know turnover creates problems. It’s expensive and time-consuming to recruit, hire, and train new employees. And it’s often damaging to the organization when institutional knowledge walks out the door. Sometimes the reasons are clear why employees leave, sometimes not so much, but new research from job rating and recruiting marketplace Glassdoor may […]

Want to keep employees? Consider the reasons they quit

It may be a cliché to say employees are an employer’s greatest asset. But if that weren’t true, it wouldn’t be a cliché and employers wouldn’t focus so much attention on retaining their best and brightest. The reasons behind an employee’s decision to leave a job depend on each individual’s situation, but new research identifies […]

Boosting retention as turnover threat looms

2014 dawned with reports that employee turnover would reach critical mass during this year. Salary.com’s annual “January Job Hunters” survey claimed that employees were in many ways more satisfied with their jobs than in years past, but a whopping 83 percent of the people surveyed said they planned to look for a new job during […]

Retention: Know why employees leave and how to make them stay

Not many HR professionals take the importance of retaining top performers for granted. Recruiting, hiring, and bringing new employees up to speed can bring on a sense of dread. Plus, having to slog through daily work while a position goes unfilled adds to the burden. So employee retention and engagement becomes a priority, and the […]

Exit Interviews: An Underused Tool for Protecting Your Company

HR professionals are frequently asked to do more with less. Moreover, these are challenging times, with companies facing increased employment litigation but having fewer resources for programs to strengthen the quality and longevity of the workforce. Exit interviews represent an effective and inexpensive, albeit little-used, tool for spotting and fixing problems before they turn into […]

Adopt a Formal Flextime Policy

Employment law attorney Robert P. Tinnin, Jr., answers an HR practitioner’s question about improving a flextime program that has become unmanageable.

Financial Crisis Should Boost Work-Life Benefits

by Sarah McAdams The global economic crisis is stressing out employees everywhere. Almost half are worried they’re going to lose their jobs, nearly a third are working more hours and taking less time off, 48 percent said that stress makes it hard for them to perform well on the job, and 25 percent are actively […]

What To Do When Bosses Are Bullies

What should employers do when workplace bullying and bad behavior are coming down the corporate ladder from bosses? Here are some ways to see if your frontline managers and supervisors are creating a bad work environment. Audio Conference: Busting Workplace Bullies: Reduce the Legal Risks of Abusive Behavior Flight from bad bosses The direct effect […]