Tag: employee training

Tips for Recruiting Talent in an Age of Low Unemployment Rates

With the unemployment rate at less than 4%, jobseekers are currently in the driver’s seat and are being more selective with their potential job opportunities. And now, employers must turn to more passive candidates and look at long-term goals and strategies if they’re interested in acquiring top talent.


What It Really Costs When You Don’t Invest in Employee Development

Deciding to invest in the growth of your employees is more than just a question of budget. If your company chooses not to invest in employee development, you’re setting your business up for lower employee engagement rates, lower chances of attracting and retaining talent, and employee stagnation—all of which deeply affect your company’s productivity.


5 Questions to Answer When Onboarding an LMS for Employee Training

The costs of owning and implementing a learning management system can quickly push you beyond your budget if you fail to plan accordingly. So, how can directors and managers create a true picture of their actual LMS costs to avoid ballooning expenses? Start by asking yourself several key questions before signing on the dotted line.

Bloomingdale’s Teams Up with eLearning Company for Employee Training

Despite dramatically increasing online sales, the vast majority of retail sales still take place offline. Brick-and-mortar sales involve live, face-to-face human interactions, and, no surprise, organizations relying on these interactions are understandably concerned about offering exceptional service experiences to their customers. Here’s how retail powerhouse, Bloomingdale’s, met the challenge.

Walmart Investing Big in Employee Training

When President Donald Trump signed the 2017 tax cut legislation into law at the end of 2017, it was seen by many as providing a big boost to the bottom lines of wealthy individuals and corporations. But the impact varies by company. “An easy way to identify winners is to find companies that generate all, […]

Thoughts on Sexual Harassment—a Personal Perspective

I do a lot of antiharassment training. In the past, much of my training has followed a relatively standard format explaining that employers can be liable for harassment by supervisors even if employees don’t complain and that supervisors can “aid and abet” a hostile work environment by turning a blind eye to problematic situations. I […]


Beyond the ‘Applause Meter’: Did Your Training Make a Difference?

How do you know whether your training made a difference or had an impact? It’s a foundational question for anyone involved in training and development, and there is no single answer. Much depends on exactly what it was you hoped your training outcomes would be. As Stephen Covey said, “Start with the end in mind.”

The Nuts and Bolts of Employee Training

There is no doubt that learning and development within any organization is paramount for its ongoing success. Irrespective of the type of business, employees must have the relevant amount of knowledge, enhanced skills, and abilities so that they are able to do their job successfully.


Unconscious bias training helps fuel diversity efforts at industrial gas company

Despite a strategy to promote an inclusive culture in your organization, unconscious bias could be undermining your efforts. That is why some companies proactively address unconscious bias through training.  Take Praxair, Inc. This global industrial gas company worked with a third-party training vendor in Fall 2014 to create content for “Unconscious Bias to Conscious Inclusion,” […]