Tag: employees


Why Isn’t Workplace Sexual Harassment Training Working?

As I write this article, the newspapers and airwaves are filled with more reports of alleged sexual harassment in workplaces around the country. It’s as though the media has suddenly discovered a whole new world of discrimination to report on. For HR managers, these stories aren’t surprising—they’re frustrating.


10 Best Practices for Successful Onboarding

Welcoming a new employee into a long-term positive relationship with their organization requires an effective onboarding. How can you take steps to ensure that the process is as successful as possible from both the employee and the organization’s perspectives? Following are some best practice tips for effective onboarding.


3 Qualities of Effective Leadership in the Modern Workplace

The concepts and values of leadership have evolved over the years. While the ideas of “Be loyal to your employer and do what you are told,” “Get people to follow you,” or “Climb your way to the top” used to be the standard mode of operation, times have changed. The workforce today is not interested […]

Why You Should Be Offering Frequent Performance Feedback

A large part of Human Resources (HR) is ensuring that a company runs smoothly at all times. Since there are a lot of working parts in any single company, there is also a lot that needs to be addressed, kept track of, and engaged with for prime performance results. Your employees are what keeps the […]


Tax Law Fueling Changes to Employer Benefits and Compensation Programs

The new tax reform law is fueling changes to corporate America’s employee benefits, compensation, total rewards, and executive pay programs, according to a survey by Willis Towers Watson, a global advisory, broking, and solutions company. The survey of 333 large and midsize employers reveals nearly half (49%) of the respondents are considering making a change […]

Getting Back to Basics with Stay Interviews

As an HR professional, you have probably had your fair share of exit interviews. While they are designed to get valuable input from employees that are transitioning out of the company, the results can often be skewed. Employees are either afraid of future backlash and are overly positive, or have an ax to grind and […]


Does That Law Apply to Me? Sick Leave Laws Raise Questions for Out-of-State Employers

Maryland is now the ninth state to have enacted a paid sick leave law. Effective February 11, 2018, the Healthy Working Families Act became law as the result of a veto override, which understandably means there are still a few details related to the law’s enforcement and implementation to be ironed out. In fact, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan promptly created, by Executive Order, a Small Business Regulatory Assistance office to smooth the transition and help Maryland employers comply with the new law.

The Everchanging World of Performance Management

The days of formal in person meetings between managers and employees discussing performance management are largely over. With the introduction of new technologies, global competition, and changing consumer demands, that process no longer seems to ensure high employee performance.