Tag: employees

Can Creativity Be Taught?

In an effort to understand the top skills companies are looking for in prospective candidates this year, LinkedIn conducted a massive analysis of hundreds of thousands of job posts. As it turns out, employers are looking far beyond soft and technical skills when searching for new talent.

minimum wage

Maryland Takes Step Toward $15 Minimum Wage

In a widely expected move, the Maryland General Assembly has approved a significant increase in the state’s minimum wage by voting for legislation aimed at increasing the current rate of $10.10 per hour to $15 by 2025.

Order Up: A Sandwich to Help Serve Up Criticism

Delivering constructive criticism to employees can be a tricky skill to master. To help, a London-based project management training organization, Knowledge Train, offered a food-inspired approach to serve up this type of communication.


Benefits of Making Your Employees Shareholders

After the introduction of the Accountable Capitalism Act last year, many organizations are starting to explore different ways to offer their employees a stronger voice, more business equity—essentially, more “skin in the game.” Many start-ups have already been offering their employees shares and stakes in their company for years because they don’t have many other […]

5 Ways to Create Fluid Talent in Your Company

Fluid talent is an approach to career planning that allows—and even encourages—employees to take control of their careers and move between different positions and departments. Companies can increase employee retention and appeal to prospective employees by employing fluid talent in their career pathways. Here’s how HR can facilitate fluid talent in their organizations.

Should You Offer Relocation Assistance?

Relocation assistance is something that not all employers offer but could be worthwhile to consider. Some employers think that the expense is too great to be justified, while others think that it opens many doors and allows them access to candidates they never would have otherwise found.


Why Career Growth Deserves a Promotion

So much has been volatile for the American worker since the Great Recession—but one constant has been the size of annual merit increases. For many years, merit increase budgets have continued to hover just under 3%, despite an improving economy, low unemployment, tax reform savings, and fierce competition for talent. Employers face competing cost pressures: […]