Tag: gamification

LMSs and Safety Training Records

By Jennifer Busick Tracking safety training is an important task for environment, health, and safety (EHS) managers, but it can be both time-consuming and difficult to keep up with. The right learning management system (LMS) can help. Guest columnist Jennifer Busick has more on choosing the right LMS for your company.

More Cutting-Edge Talent Development Tips

By Sandy Pennington In yesterday’s Advisor, Sandy Pennington, chief people and process officer for Clinicient, provided two tips on how you can begin building a cutting-edge talent development program. Today Pennington continues with three more tips and key takeaways for our readers.


Games in Training—5 Advantages

Gamification is a big trend in training and business in general, but it’s not a perfect training solution. What are some of the advantages of using games in training, and what disadvantages should trainers be wary of?

Using Data from Games to Track Performance

By Karen Hsu In yesterday’s Advisor, Karen Hsu, vice president of marketing at Badgeville, elaborated on how gamification can help increase employee engagement. Today, Hsu discusses how the data from these games can be used to track performance and increase productivity.

Gamification + Data = Increased Engagement?

By Karen Hsu A lack of engagement is a big problem in the modern workforce, and steps must be taken to identify and solve the problem. Gamification can help trainers and HR professionals find the data they need and increase engagement. Today, we present an article by Karen Hsu, vice president of marketing at Badgeville, […]

Gamify Your Workplace for Better Engagement

Yesterday’s Advisor revealed that 54% of employees surveyed have experienced mishaps during the onboarding process. Getting off on the wrong foot can really damage engagement at the critical moment. Today, gamification expert Tony Ventrice explains how you can fix engagement at your company. Ventrice is Behavior Lab cofounder and senior game systems designer at Badgeville, […]

Are Half of Your Employees Less than Thrilled with Their Onboarding? 5 Tips to Make the Process Smooth

It’s important for new employees to make a good first impression, but many companies don’t realize they also need to put their best foot forward. A new study suggests that a great many new hires are experiencing hiccups during their onboarding processes—and HR pros don’t seem to see the problem. Recent research from staffing firm […]

Take a New Perspective on Training with Bloom’s Taxonomy

You may have regular training sessions, but is your target audience really learning the material? There are many methods and models when it comes to learning and retention, and today, we consider Bloom’s Taxonomy—and how you can use it to take a fresh look at how you train employees.

Using Tech to Enhance Peer-to-Peer Learning

In yesterday’s Advisor, Turning Technologies Cofounder and CEO Mike Broderick shared the first two of three ways that corporate trainers are effectively tailoring their training to an increasingly tech-savvy workforce; today, we present his third strategy.   A leading innovator with over 20 years in the group response industry, Broderick is a recipient of the […]