Tag: gig economy


3 Tips on How to Avoid Losing Employees to the Gig Economy

The gig economy is defined as “a way of working that is based on people having temporary jobs or doing separate pieces of work, each paid separately.” In recent years, there has been an influx of job titles, including words like “freelancer,” “entrepreneur,” and “self-employed,” and many are saying Millennials and Gen Zs are to […]

How to Make Smart Hiring Decisions in a Tight Labor Market

A tight labor market typically means that unemployment numbers are low and that employers will be fighting over a smaller pool of candidates to fill open positions. While those conditions are currently present in the “Gig Economy,” the shifting nature of employment and the pressure on workers to remain upwardly mobile have changed the way […]

Creating an Effective Freelancer Strategy

Freelancers have become a large part of the global workforce. According to one recent statistic, there are more than 56.7 million freelancers in the United States today. From a recruiter’s perspective, there are a few reasons why hiring freelancers makes sense. One study published by MRI found that a shortage of qualified candidates was the biggest recruitment […]

Taking Advantage of the Gig Economy for Staffing Needs

The emergence of the gig economy has been a boon for many workers. The gig economy is defined by temporary or freelance jobs, typically with the worker employed as a contractor instead of as a traditional employee, who’d be issued an IRS 1040 form at the end of the year.


Taking Advantage of the Gig Economy for Staffing Needs

The emergence of the gig economy has been a boon for many workers. The gig economy is defined by temporary or freelance jobs, typically with the worker employed as a contractor instead of as a traditional employee, who’d be issued an IRS 1040 form at the end of the year.

Is the Gig Economy Actually Shrinking?

The gig economy has been heavily discussed in the media and in employment circles for several years now. Essentially, it involves the less-formal employment or contractor relationships between workers and companies, with workers typically working temporarily for one or multiple employers at a time with greater flexibility and independence.


Is the Gig Economy Actually Shrinking?

The gig economy has been heavily discussed in the media and in employment circles for several years now. Essentially, it involves the less-formal employment or contractor relationships between workers and companies, with workers typically working temporarily for one or multiple employers at a time with greater flexibility and independence.

Growing Opportunities for Workers Interested in Fully Remote Positions

The workforce of today is growing more global than ever before. Traditional, in-house employees are out, and remote workers are in. We often praise the benefits of hiring freelance talent when finding full-time employees becomes a challenge, but now, employers across the country may have to start changing their people practices to accommodate “nomad” workers, […]