Tag: gig economy

How to Build a Global Workforce Without Falling into Compliance Traps

The rise of the global gig economy and its transformative impact on the workforce cannot be denied. Location-based services such as rideshares and food delivery are ubiquitous, and online gig assignments account for up to 12.5% of the global labor force according to The World Bank Group’s report, Working Without Borders. The surge allows companies […]

Recent Hiring Data Shows Labor Market Slowing but Still Strong

The labor market has always been a reflection of broader economic trends. Recent hiring data paints a picture of a paradox: While hiring has shown signs of slowing down, the labor market remains robust. This resilience, despite various economic challenges, offers a fascinating insight into the evolving dynamics of the U.S. job market. The Current […]

Biden Administration Takes a Close Look at Gig Economy

The so-called “gig economy,” in which workers are hired for specific, one-off, temporary, or seasonal jobs as opposed to long-term, permanent employment, has provided a great deal of benefit and flexibility to both employers and gig workers. Rather than traditional employment relationships in which workers might work a 40-hour week for a single employer, gig […]

The Gig Is Up: Uber Agrees to Pay $100 Million in Dispute Over Drivers’ Employment Status

There’s a growing tendency for workers to request mobility in the labor market. Coupled with this is a growing tendency for businesses to classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees. This phenomenon has been dubbed a “gig” economy. Recently, Uber agreed to pay $100 million to the state of New Jersey to settle a […]


How Organizations Should Start Thinking Differently About Talent

On a global scale, there have been major shifts in the way we think about work, the people who do the work, and where the work is done. An increase in the use of technology, the rapid change of pace, and even reevaluating organizational priorities all play a part in this. As business models continue […]


Airline Pilots Demonstrate Career and Skill Flexibility

One of the biggest challenges in a changing economy is the issue of displaced workers. Even when an economy as a whole is growing, as some sectors replace others, some workers whose skills were once highly valued often feel left out of the new normal.


The Fear Is Back: One-Third of Workers Think Robots Will Steal Their Jobs

Technology can be seen as both a blessing and a curse. When the coronavirus pandemic struck, businesses and organizations were quick to implement work-from-home technologies to keep workers on the job and working safely. As the “new normal” of remote work and social distancing continues to dominate the headlines, it makes us wonder: Should we […]


Ways the Gig Economy Is Risky for Independent Contractors

As most of us know by now, the percentage of individuals who are working as independent contractors either part time or full time continues to grow. Many employers have embraced this trend and continued to hire more and more contractors who work alongside the regular labor force and meet specific needs. Other employers opt for […]


The Gig Economy: Past and Present

The phrase “gig economy” has become a critical part of the HR conversation. Whether it’s HR professionals looking to expand rapidly by outsourcing projects or startups relying entirely on outside workers, the gig economy is here to stay. But how well do you really understand it? Knowing its origins might help you see where this […]