Tag: hiring

Unhappiness Is Contagious:  Navigating the Low Turnover Phenomenon

In the current economic landscape, where unemployment rates are at their lowest in decades, an intriguing paradox has emerged, and we’re experiencing an unexpected trend: Employees are staying put. Employees across industries are choosing to remain in their jobs, not out of a profound love for their work or unwavering loyalty to their employers but […]

4 Reasons Why a Virtual Assistant Could Be Your Next Great Hire

Employee burnout has become an epidemic, with countless workers feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and ready to quit their jobs. Companies across all industries have been struggling to find ways to keep their workforce engaged and retained. However, many have overlooked one potential solution that can significantly improve employees’ day-to-day experience: hiring a virtual assistant (VA). VAs […]

Navigating Recruitment in the Digital Age

The recruitment landscape has undergone a seismic shift over the past decade. Gone are the days of sifting through stacks of paper résumés and hard-copy applications. Today, digital platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and a wide range of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven recruitment software dominate the scene. This digital transformation has not only changed the tools we […]

Research Examines What Gen Z Wants from Potential Employers

Gen Z, the youngest segment of the workforce, is already making an impact, and its influence will only increase in the future. Global insurance giant Zurich reported in April that people born between 1997 and 2012 are expected to make up 27% of the workforce by 2025. Those numbers are getting employers’ attention, making it […]

Who Owns Knowledge? Considerations When Hiring Employees from a Competitor

You may have recently heard that the heads of two mega-tech companies, Meta and X, the company formerly known as Twitter, have exchanged accusations. No, we aren’t referring to the potential “cage match” but to the allegation that Threads (a social media app from Meta) was developed using confidential information and trade secrets known by […]

3 Strategies for Keeping Employees Happy and Engaged

To embark on a journey of strengthening engagement among team members, organizations must assess the competency of their leadership teams. Data from Gallup suggests that managers can influence up to 70% of the variations seen in employee engagement scores across different departments. What’s the implication? To identify ways of improving the workplace, start by evaluating […]

How to Take Advantage of the September Hiring Surge

In this week’s HR Query, Alice Rush, Career Advisor at the University of Phoenix, and Anthony Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer of HireVue, share insights about the hiring trends during this peak hiring season, as well as what HR leaders and organizations can expect to see through the remainder of the year. Here’s what they had […]

Social Media and Candidate Assessment: Avoiding the Perils While Reaping the Potential

In the digital age, the lines between our personal and professional lives often blur, especially on social media platforms. For hiring managers and companies, these platforms present both opportunities and challenges. While social media platforms can yield valuable insights into potential candidates and serve as powerful branding tools, they also come with pitfalls that need […]

Preventing Loud Quitting: Strategies for Employers 

As the concept of “quiet quitting” gained attention over the last year, employers must now also be aware of the emerging trend of “loud quitting” or active disengagement at work. Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report revealed that almost 20% of employees are “loud quitting.”   Though the number of disengaged quiet quitters is […]

Want Applicants to Beat a Path to Your Door? Beef Up Your Job Postings

It seems employers everywhere and in all lines of work too often struggle to find top quality job candidates. It’s not just employers who are frustrated. Jobseekers are equally exasperated because job postings often don’t tell them what they need to know. Recent research indicates that postings including information on an employer’s culture can help […]