Tag: HR


Using Social Media Screening to Create Better Culture

Company culture is a significant driver of success, and a strong culture attracts and retains top employees, fostering teamwork and trust. Conversely, a toxic culture can thwart any company. Patrick Whitesell, executive chairman of Endeavor, an entertainment and media agency, stated, “You can have all the right strategies in the world; if you don’t have […]

gen z

Focus on Finance When it Comes to Gen Z Benefits Packages

While segmenting employee populations by generation is “old hat” at this point, the rise of the latest cohort, Generation Z, requires a new focus. Gen Z (individuals born after 1997) makes up more than one-fifth (21%) of the world’s working-age population and is expected to grow to 30% of the U.S. workforce by 2030. At […]

Onboarding: Beyond the Checklist

Organizations go through quite a lot to hire employees, so capitalize on that success with a thoughtful and effective onboarding strategy. I recently asked Keith Kitani, CEO of GuideSpark, some critical onboarding questions and am happy to share them with you in this article. What are the biggest onboarding mistakes you have seen? One of […]


Worker Boxed Out of Suit Against Temp Agency’s Client

A temporary worker asserted claims for racial discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and battery. He settled his claims against the temp agency but tried to pursue them against the company that ran the facility. A federal judge in Southern Illinois told him to pack up and go home.

As You Iterate, Don’t Leave Great Employees Behind

Mindy was recently a guest on HR Works 5-Minute Friday. Have a listen here. Companies change at a breakneck pace. Concepts like failing fast and being agile are being espoused by more organizations than ever, and for good reason. That type of thinking is how organizations can grapple with the ever-changing landscape of their industry. […]

Remote Sexual Harassment: It’s Happening. Are You Ready?

Touches on the shoulder, staring, offensive remarks, and overly personal questions in the break room. Yes, those in-person situations are not with us when we work remotely, but watch out. An evolving workplace environment presents a heightened set of issues. And every company needs to be prepared.

Is Recruitment Bias Hampering Your Chances of Success?

Recruiters can be prone to unconscious bias during the hiring process. This inadvertently perpetuates discriminatory decisions, which can have a damaging effect for both the candidate and employer. But what’s more is that, for businesses, consistently hiring the wrong personnel can also be detrimental to financial performance.

That’s What She Said

When the pandemic hit last year and turned the world upside down, I found myself searching for solace and a much-needed laugh in the form of my favorite show of all time, The Office. Apparently, I’m not alone. According to Nielsen, Americans streamed over 57 billion minutes of The Office on Netflix in 2020, far […]