Team Interviews: Save Time, Hire Better Candidates

Team interviewing, sometimes known as panel interviewing, can be a valuable way to avoid some common one-on-one interview pitfalls. Unfortunately, team interviews have pitfalls of their own. Here’s some practical knowledge about conducting team interviews that will be valuable whether you are just beginning to use them or have been using them for years. Are […]

Do’s and Don’ts with Candidate Phone Calls

Yesterday’s Advisor covered how to prepare yourself for the first call to a potential candidate. Today, you’ll learn some tips and tricks on actually pulling the call off!

Crafting an Effective Salary Structure: Art or Science?

Yesterday, we got some insights on the importance of a well-structured approach to compensation at your organization, courtesy of J. Timothy O’Rourke. Today, we look at his take on whether building an effective salary structure is more of an art or a science.

How to Recruit a Dream Team Like Coach K’s?

Reminiscing about the 1992 Olympic “Dream Team,” considered by some to be the best assemblage of sports stars ever, coach Mike Krzyzewski asked 15,000 HR managers, “Wouldn’t you like to hire that team’s recruiter?” “Coach K” inspired attendants at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Annual Convention and Exposition held recently in Las Vegas. […]

Help Your Team Cross the Finish Line Strong—4 Steps to Success

Do your team members know what the ultimate objective is for each project they work on? Do they know what the purpose is—what they’re trying to achieve? Are you confident that you consistently communicate exactly what the goal is for each and every project? Knowing what you, their leader, want to ultimately achieve on every […]

The Skinny on Bonuses

“Bonus” is a term we’re all familiar with in a general sense, but today we’re going to step back and look at the concept in the context of your overall compensation strategy.

Data May Be King, But Don’t Forget the Humans

Yesterday’s Advisor featured futurist Mike Walsh’s take on recruiting and managing employees in an environment that is quickly changing. Today, Walsh says we may be awash in data, but let’s not forget the human element. Walsh, a well-known prognosticator and author of the Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas, delivered his tips for preparing for the future […]